Great selection of Pubs from Pete Liebeskind
15 October 2011

Thanks to Pete Liebeskind for these photos, much appreciated, adding some great Sydney and Newcastle Pubs.
- Former Terminus Hotel Wallsend Newcastle. This building has been beautifully restored. We wonder if it has reopened?
- Narellan Hotel NSW, New pub added, Cheers Pete.
- Merino Tavern Camden NSW. Updated pics, many Thanks
- Gilroys Hotel St Leonards NSW. New Pub added.
- North Sydney Hotel Great to add this Pub to GdayPubs
- Rag and Famish Hotel North Sydney. Heritage Pub, new Pub added.
- Unicorn Hotel Paddington Sydney. New pub added.
- Former New York Hotel Pyrmont Sydney. Updated pic, the building when up for auction.