Club House Hotel, Chippendale - Mystery Pub!
6 February 2012

"Hi Iv been looking into my family history for a few years now, and have one gentleman my great great great grandfather George Waddell Mclaws that I'm studying at the moment. Iv found that he was a publican for a while in Sydney.
I am also a manager of a pub myself and keen amateur brewer so this Gentleman I find very interesting. So this is where I hope yourself or one of your online readers maybe able to help,
George was born in 1859 Scotland and came to Australia in 1885 then died in 1924 but i believe he was the publican at the Club House Hotel Cr Abercrombie St. and O'Connor St. Chippendale
around 1900 the only picture i have is the upstairs proposed alterations (attached) in 1913. Does Gdaypubs have any pictures of this hotel as it no longer exists or do any readers have any other info?
Judging by that picture, The street names show the hotel would have stood where that white building now is next door across O'Conner street from the period town house. If anyone has any back ground on it I would love to know and i plan on contacting the local historical society in the area.
Floor plan - first floor George McLaws Chippendale Hotel