Former Pub. Reg Kerr's Post Office Hotel
7 July 2014

From Duncan, the second guess that this Hotel may have been in Tamworth . Have moved to the Tamworth Town page. If anyone recognises the Pub to confirm, that would be great . Cheers Ed
"Is it possible that this is the Tamworth Post Office Hotel? I can't find any early info on it, but it does look familiar." Duncan 07/07/2014
Photo Reg Kerr's Post Office Hotel
"Hi ,My Dad found this photo dated about 1920 and we were curious about the location of Reg,J.Kerr's Post Office Hotel.
The Model T Ford in the photo was on a demonstration tour to rural Australia extolling the virtue's of being able to convert the T to the Eros Mak-a-tractor."Does the work of 4 strong draught horses."The person standing alongside the T is my grandfather who was part of the demonstration and sales team.
We were wondering if the location can be identified, there are quite a few Post Office Hotels in Australia and I have looked at quite a few in NSW and Qld but have not been able to spot any locations that look similar. I must admit it was fun looking for the locations on your site and when I have more time I will do some more exploring. Regards, Peter"
Hopefully someone will recognise, - Ed.
Photo courtesy Peter Gioodman, Many Thanks"