Dudley Hotel now the Ocean View
9 March 2010

Brilliant old pic from the 1890's of the Ocean View Hotel when it was the Dudley Hotel in Newcastle. Well done to Warren & Merrillie Whittaker for taking the trouble to restore the photo and thanks for sending it top gday Pubs
Also check out the photo of Enoch Heath the early Publican.
16/03/2010 "Hi,
Just to let you know I found a photo of my GGGrandfather on your website. A relative of mine had in some family history notes that Enoch Heath ran a pub in Dudley (Newcastle). When I was searching I found Gdaypubs and lo and behold there he was and the Ocean View Hotel. The first time I have seen a photo of him. Most excited. I can't wait to show my Mum and other family members. Next time I'm in Newcastle I'll be sure to have a drink there.