Hotels in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria
Find out more about Bacchus Marsh and surrounding areas in the West Wimmera Secrets Pub Trail
Court House Hotel
Court House Hotel Newly renovated, there is a bistro and fireplace From the history board: "Joseph Purday and Alfred Smith established a saddlery on the corner of main and Church streets in 1857. In 1864 Purday in Partbership with Henry Tanner,...
Information on Bacchus Marsh, VIC
Bacchus Marsh - Avenue of Honour
Photo 9/10/2008
Photos and some information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Set amid picturesque rolling hills only 80 km west of Melbourne, Moorabool Shire combines country living with easy access to the city.
Bacchus Marsh retains a great deal of historical past as a major township on the Melbourne to Ballarat goldfields run. Sitting in a rich soiled valley, it is long been renowned for its vegetable and fruit crops, taking advantage of the protection from surrounding escarpments. The main street is full of grand old buildings from the 1850's and is an ideal destination for anybody traversing Melbourne/Ballarat/Geelong areas. Take particular note of the fine entrance to the town, with its Avenue of Honour - it is a superb example, and a tribute to the fallen it represents. The whole main street of the township is lined with aged leafy trees, making for a great visit, just wandering the well documented and photographed historical records of its many goldrush era buildings. Bacchus Marsh is worthy of a visit, for those with a little extra time to spare, travelling the back way from Melbourne to Geelong as an alternative to the direct freeway. And be sure to pull in from the Western Highway if heading up from Melbourne to Ballarat too!