Hotels in Bourke, New South Wales
Towns and suburbs close to Bourke | Hotels in Bourke
Towns and suburbs close to Bourke | Hotels in Bourke
Find out more about Bourke and surrounding areas in the Kidman Way to Longreach and Townsville Pub Trail
Back Of Bourke Hotel (The) (The Northy)
Back Of Bourke Hotel Great news , a temporary Pub is now open and trading for the faithful!! - Simpy. "The Pub was built by my great grandfather William Murphy. It burnt down last Wednesday night (5/5/2010) "My mum's dad (Walter Rowland...
Information on Bourke, NSW 2540
North Bourke Bridge spanning the Darling River, Bourke. A lift-up bridge built in the 1880s.
Courtesy: Tourism New South Wales. Region: Outback New South Wales
Bourke Shire is located in far north west NSW on the Darling River.