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Hotels in Boydtown, New South Wales

Towns and suburbs close to Boydtown | Hotels in Boydtown

Seahorse Inn

Seahorse Inn Boydtown, long known for its whaling history and musem, today provides high class accommodation. The original Inn, built in 1843, has undergone some serious renovations, and a new roofline with 6 accommodation suites upstairs....

[street view]

Lot 3 Boyd Town Park Rd
New South Wales 2551

02 6496 1361

Information on Boydtown, 2551

The Church 'remains' and adjacent cemmetry still has one part of the church ediface standing.

Photo 04/03/2008 submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks

Named after Benjamin Boyd, a wealthy London stockbroker who came to Australia to commence pastoral and paddlesteamer businesses. Boydtown is long known for its whaling history and museum.

In the Boydtown property, perched about 1km SE of the hotel, are the ruins of the original Boydtown Church, well worth the walk to explore. The lookout tower once used to await ships up the coast, is reached via a distant road further south off the Princes Highway. Boyd Tower can actually be seen fairly prominently when visiting the Eden Wharf area and park on the Southern end of the road to the wharf - on the tip down from the Wood Chip Mill. But a replica of Boyd's Tower is in the back garden of the Boydtown Inn.

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