Hotels in Cobar, New South Wales
Towns and suburbs close to Cobar | Hotels in Cobar
Towns and suburbs close to Cobar | Hotels in Cobar
Find out more about Cobar and surrounding areas in the Kidman Way to Longreach and Townsville Pub Trail
Find out more about Cobar and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Former New Occidental Hotel
Former New Occidental Hotel On Sunday 17th August 2014 a firefighter tragically lost his life in fighting a fire at the Occidental Hotel which completely destroyed the Pub. Reports say his courageous acts saved at least 3 lives. The hotel...
Information on Cobar, NSW
Main Street of Cobar with the Grand Hotel down the street on the left
Photo Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Cobar Shire is situated in the centre of New South Wales, at the crossroads of the Barrier Highway and the Kidman Way.