Hotels in Guthega, New South Wales
Towns and suburbs close to Guthega | Hotels in Guthega
Towns and suburbs close to Guthega | Hotels in Guthega
Guthega Inn
Guthega Alpine Inn Located on the western face of Blue Cow the alpins Inn is the local Pub for Guthega. A traditional stone and cedar building. The Alpine Inn is open some months in the Summer Holidays as well as Ski Season. Entry by Guthega...
Information on Guthega, NSW 2627
View from The Guthega Inn
Photo 2014 Gday Pubs
Guthega Village is a ski and village located in the Kosciuszko National Park, on the upper reaches of the Snowy River. Offering Private Lodges, ski accommodation and commercial accommodation. Guthega Village is the site for the Guthega Power Station