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Hotels in Merimbula, New South Wales

Towns and suburbs close to Merimbula | Hotels in Merimbula

Lakeview Hotel Motel

The Merimbula Lakeview Hotel is ideally located on the main street of Merimbula, overlooking the magnificent waterways , and is a great place to visit. * Motel Units * Bottle Shop * Beer Garden * Lakeview Grill open 7 days lunch & dinner...

[street view]

1 Market Street
NSW 2548

Ph: 02 6495 1202

Information on Merimbula,

Merimbula views from the Tathra road with the Bowling Club in foreground

John Hatwell, Australia Gday

Merimbula is a thriving tourist destination famed for its scenery, waterways, motels, restaurants and recreational pursuits.

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