Royal Hotel in Queanbeyan
Towns and suburbs close to Queanbeyan | Hotels in Queanbeyan
Towns and suburbs close to Queanbeyan | Hotels in Queanbeyan
Royal Hotel
- Accommodation
- Bistro 6 Days, Lunch & Dinner ex Sunday.
- Counter Meals
- Takeaways
- ATM & Eftpos
- Functions catered for
- DVD Juke Box
- Pool Table
- Pub TAB
- Sky TV, Big Screen TV
- Darts
- Historical Photos
- Groups & Buses welcome
The Royal Hotel was built by the Byrne family in 1926 replacing previous hotels on the site. It may surprise some to know that the Pub is only 7 klms from new Parliament House and when Canberra and the old Parliament House were being built the Pollies and dignitaries would stay at the Royal enjoying the comforts of this fine Pub.
More Information and photos
The Royal has accommodation.
Offering a fabulous and extensive menu
The bistro is separate from the public bar with a terrific atmosphere and has an adjoining function room and bistro bar.
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