Queensland Hotels
Select a city, town or suburb to view photos, contact details and information about the listed Queensland Hotels. Where a Hotel has a website, you can click on the Hotel name to go there directly. Each town page includes a map with links for neighbouring towns and an option to zoom in and view individual pubs.
Please get in touch if you want to add your business to the Gday Pubs website and related network. We always welcome new photos, links to websites and stories about our great Aussie Pubs.
- Advancetown
Now you're in Yowie country
- Advancetown Hotel Motel (The Fountain on the Mountain)
- Alberton
Alberton is a farming and residential area located between Brisbane and the Gold Coast on the southern bank of the Logan River and the adjoining Albert River...
- Gem Hotel
- Allora
Located north of Warwick, just off the Toowoomba road. 35 kms east is the Goomburra State Forest in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range
- Blue Cow Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Almaden
- Railway Hotel
- Aloomba
- Aloomba Hotel
- Alpha
- Alpha Hotel Motel
- Former Criterion Hotel
- Anakie
- Anakie Gemfields Hotel Motel
- Aramac
- Aramac Hotel
- Atherton
The Centre of the Atherton Tableland 100km's SW of Cairns. The Atherton to Herberton railway includes the steepest grades in Qld...
- Atherton Hotel »
- Barron Valley Hotel
- Carrington Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Aubigny
On Oakey Pittsworth Road near the junction of Toowoomba Cecil Plains Road
Toowoomba Region
- Aubigny Hotel
- Augathella
Home of the Augathella Fella from the Slim Dusty/Stan Coster song.
- Ellangowan Hotel
- Ayr
The Burdekin Shire is located between Townsville and Bowen in the delta of the Burdekin River.
- Ayr Hotel Motel
- Burdekin Hotel
- Commercial Tavern
- Grand National Hotel
- Queens Hotel
- Former Ayr Pub
- Babinda
Located south of Cairns and next to Wooroonooran National Park where you will find the states two highest mountains, Mt Bartle Frere (1622m) and Mt Bellenden Ker (1582m)...
- Balfe's Creek
- Balfe's Creek Hotel Motel
- Barcaldine
All the Streets are named after Trees. The "Tree of Knowledge" ghost gum in Oak street was the meeting place for the 1891 shearers strike which led to the formation of the Australian Labor party
- Artesian Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Shakespeare Hotel » (Shakey Pub)
- Union Hotel
- Former Globe Hotel
- Beaudesert
- Beaudesert Hotel (Beau-y Pub)
- Logan and Albert Hotel (L & A)
- Railway Hotel
- Bell
- Bellview Hotel
- Belyando Crossing
Locatded on the Gregory Development Road way between Charters Towers and Clermont
- Belyando Crossing Roadhouse
- Bemerside
- Seymour Hotel
- Biggenden
Located in the North Burnett and a town that is an important destination in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.
- Commercial Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Birdsville
Located on the edge of the the Simpson Desert and home of the the Birdsville Hotel.
The Hotel and legendary birdsville races are iconic outback attractions known worldwide.
- Blackall
Located in Central Qld. In 1892 the legendary Jackie Howe set the record of shearing sheep with blades...- Barcoo Hotel
- Bushmans Hotel
- Prince of Wales Hotel
- Union Hotel
- Former Howes' Universal Hotel
- Blackbutt
Blackbutt is the gateway to the Burnett and is well situated at the foot of the Blackbutt range. Regional attractions include the scenic "Forest Drive" and picnicing at Emu Creek...
- Hotel Radnor
- Blackwater
Mining town 74km to the east of Emerald, Qld. On the Capricorn Highway.
- Bluff
Located 94 kilometres east of Emerald on the Capricorn Highway. Popular with Rail Bluffs who enjoy seeing the long coal trains.
- Bluff Hotel
- Bollon
est 1879. Bollon is situated near Thrushton National Park on the banks of Wallam Creek.
- Bollon Hotel
- Boonah
- Australian Hotel »
- Commercial Hotel
- Dugandan Hotel »
- Booval
- Prince Alfred Hotel. » (The PA)
- Racehorse Hotel »
- Boreen Point
Idealic Seaside Village. Must visit.
- Apollonian Hotel
- Bouldercombe
- Bouldy Pub
- Boulia
The Capital of the Channel Country. 19km NE the Burke and Wills tree. Nearby the mysterious Min Min light first sighted near ruins of Min Min Hotel...
- Australian Hotel Motel
- Bowen
Named after Queenslands first Governor, Bowen is located halfway between mackay and Townsville. Known for Mangos Bowen has recently erected a BIG Mango as a tourist attraction.
- Central Hotel
- Club Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Grand View Hotel
- North Australian Hotel Motel
- Bowenville
- Bowenville Hotel
- Brandon
- Brandon Tavern
- Brassall
- Mi Hi Creek Hotel
- Bribie Island
Bribie Island is one of several islands off the coast around Brisbane and can be reached by car via Caboolture across a 1km bridge.
- Blue Pacific Hotel (Bluey's)
- Bribie Island Hotel
- Hotels in Brisbane »
- Brookstead
- Brookstead Hotel
- Bucca
Small town located 10 klms west of Bundaberg.
- Hotels in Bundaberg »
- Caboolture
Caboolture is the seat of local government for the shire and is located some 45 minutes from downtown Brisbane, just off the Bruce Highway.
- Hotels in Cairns »
- Calamvale
- Calen
- Calen Hotel
- Cambooya
- Bull & Barley Inn
- Cameron Corner
Called the most remote location in outback New South Wales it is the actual junction of the three borders of NSW, Queensland and South Australia...
- Cameron Corner Store
- Camooweal
Located on the Barkly highway Camooweal is the last Qld town before crossing into the Northern Territory
- Post Office Hotel Motel
- Canungra
- Canungra Hotel » (The Canungra)
- Capella
Capella is located 300 kilometres west of Rockhampton just north of the Tropic of Capricorn in the Peak Downs Shire.
- Cape Tribulation
- Cardwell
Fishing, diving, reef views, watersports, sailing and boat hire. State Park scenic drives.
- Marine Hotel
- Carmila
- Carmila Hotel
- Cawarral
Small town located between the Rockhampton-Yepoon Road and Rockhampton-Emu Park roads east of Rockhampton.
- Tree House Tavern
- Cecil Plains
Cecil Plains
- Hotel Victory
- Charleville
Charleville is the largest town in South West Queensland. Situated on the banks of the Warrego River, Charleville is in the heart of Mulga Country.
- Cattle Camp Hotel Motel
- Hotel Charleville
- Hotel Corones
- Former Railway Hotel
- Charters Towers
Queenslands second largest city during the Gold rushes, Charters towers is situated in the Burdekin Basin...
- Commercial Hotel
- Crown Hotel Motel
- Enterprise Hotel
- Irish Molly's Hotel (Mollys)
- Rix Hotel Motel
- Sovereign Tavern
- St Patricks Hotel
- Waverley Hotel
- White Horse Tavern
- Former Central Hotel
- Former Charters Towers Pub 2
- Former Excelsior Hotel
- Former Parkview Hotel »
- Former Phoenix Hotel
- Former Pub
- Former Royal Hotel
- Chillagoe
Originally a mining town, the main industry is now tourism. Museum and historical tours for visitors.
- Chillagoe Hotel Motel
- Post Office Hotel
- Chinchilla
The Shire of Chinchilla is located at the western extent of the Darling Downs region of Queensland, approximately 300 kilometres north west of Brisbane...
- Club Hotel
- Commercial Hotel Motel
- Clermont
Named after the French town of Clermont. Was moved from Hoods Lagoon after a major Flood killed 60 people...
- Commercial Hotel
- Grand Hotel Motel
- Former Leo Hotel
- Clifton
Located between Toowoomba and Warwick. Great Pubs and beautiful local gardens. Visit Alister Clarke Rose Garden...
- Clifton Arms Hotel
- Club Hotel
- O'Shanley's Irish Pub
- Cloncurry
A mining town and the first base for the Flying Doctor service. Historic Buildings and Pubs well worth visiting.
- Central Hotel
- Leichhardt Hotel Motel
- Oasis Hotel Motel
- Post Office Hotel
- Condamine
- Condamine Hotel
- Cooktown
Where Captain Cook beached the Endeavour for repairs after running aground on the Great Barrier Reef...
- Cooktown Hotel (The Top Pub)
- The Sovereign Resort Hotel »
- West Coast Hotel
- Coolangatta
Coolangatta Queensland is part of the twin towns of Coolangatta_Tweed Heads being split by the Queensland New South Wales Border...
- The Sands Hotel
- Cooroy
- Cooroy Hotel » (The Victory)
- Cooyar
- Cooyar Hotel
- Cordalba
- Cordalba Commercial Hotel
- Cow Bay
This small hamlet is located in the centre of the World Heritage listed Daintree/Cape Tribulation National Park...
- Cow Bay Hotel Motel
- Cracow
Located 154klms SE of Biloela, Cracow was once a prosperous gold mining town that is now undergoing a revitalisation thanks to high gold prices and reserves under the town...
- Cracow Hotel
- Crows Nest
- Grand Hotel » (Grand Old Crow Hotel)
- Croydon
Gulf Town with many building National Trust classified.
- Club Hotel
- Cunnamulla
Located near the Warrego River 118km North of the NSW border. In 1880 Joseph Wells held up the local bank but could not find his escape horse and the locals trapped him in what is now known as the "Robbers Tree" located in Stockyard Street
- Cunnamulla Hotel »
- Oxford Hotel
- Warrego Hotel Motel
- Former old Trappers Inn
- Former Shearers Arms Hotel
- Under Renovation: Club Hotel
- D Aguilar
- Bushmans Arms (The Bushmans)
- Daintree
- Daintree Tavern
- Dajarra
Once the largest trucking depot in the world. A quiet country town.
- Dajarra Hotel
- Dalby
Dalby is located 211 km from Brisbane, at the crossroads to Toowoomba, Kingaroy, Roma, Mundubbera and Goondiwindi.
- Australian Hotel Motel »
- Commercial Hotel
- Country Club Hotel
- Criterion Hotel
- Dalby Hotel Motel
- Russell Tavern »
- Windsor Hotel Motel
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Dimbulah
Dimbulah is located 47km west of Mareeba and 150km west of Cairns in the Mareeba Shire.
- Junction Hotel
- Dirranbandi
- Dirranbandi Hotel Motel
- Dirran Pub Hotel Motel (The Dirran Pub)
- Drayton
Located just south of South Toowoomba
- Downs Hotel
- Former Royal Bulls Head Inn
- Duaringa
- Duaringa Hotel
- Duchess
- Duchess Hotel
- Dulacca
- Dulacca Hotel (The Hotel on the Hill)
- Dululu
- Former Dululu Hotel
- Dysart
Central Queensland town in the Isaac Region servicing the coal mining industry.
- Eagleby
Located Northwest of Beenleigh, north of the Gold Coast.
- Edmonton
- Grafton Hotel
- Hambledon Hotel
- Einasleigh
- Einasleigh Hotel
- El Arish
El Arish
- El Arish Tavern
- Emerald
The Emerald Shire spans 10,000km2 and is well serviced by established transport networks including road, rail and air infrastructure.
- Emerald Hotel
- Emerald Maraboon Tavern
- Emerald Star Hotel
- Irish Village Hotel
- Emu Park
- Eromanga
- Eromanga Royal Hotel
- Esk
- Esk Club Hotel
- Eulo
- Eumundi
- Imperial Hotel (The Imperial)
- Joe's Waterhole Hotel » (Joes)
- Euramo
- Euramo Hotel
- Feluga
- Feluga Hotel
- Fishery Falls
- Fishery Falls Hotel
- Forsayth
- Forsayth Goldfields Tavern
- Garradunga
- Gayndah
- Burnett Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Georgetown
- Georgetown Wenaru Hotel
- Gladstone
Gladstone is one of the largest and busiest ports in Australia. In the last three decades it has become one of the most sophisticated port loading facilities in the country.
- Gladstone Queens Hotel
- Former Gladstone Hotel
- Glamorgan Vale
Located NW from Ispwich off the Brisbane Vally Highway
- Glamorgan Vale Hotel (The Vale)
- Glenfern
- Former Glenfern Hotel
- Hotels in Gold Coast »
- Goombungee
- Pioneer Arms Hotel
- Goomeri
- Grand Hotel (The Grand)
- Goondi Hill
Goondi Hill
- Goondi Hill Hotel
- Goondiwindi
Goondiwindi is situated on the Queensland and New South Wales border, at the junction of the Newell, Cunningham, Leichhardt, Barwon and Bruxner Highways.
- Goondiwindi Queensland Hotel
- O'Shea's Royal Hotel »
- Railway Hotel Motel
- Victoria Hotel
- Gordonvale
- Central Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Gordonvale Hotel (Ye Olde Gordonvale Pub)
- Great Northern Hotel Gordonvale (The)
- Gracemere
Located on the Capricorn Highway approximately 20 kilometres west of the city of Rockhampton.
- Gracemere Hotel
- Greenmount
Located south of Toowoomba on the New England Highway
- Greenmount Hotel
- Gunalda
- Gundiah
- Prince Alfred Hotel (The Gundy)
- Gympie
- Australian Hotel (The) (The Aussie)
- Charlies Hotel
- Empire Hotel
- Former Chambers Hotel
- Freemasons Hotel (The Free)
- Golden Age Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Jockey Club Hotel (The Jock)
- Mount Pleasant Hotel (The Mount)
- Phoenix Hotel »
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel »
- Victory Hotel Motel »
- Former Northumberland Hotel Motel (The North)
- Halifax
- Commercial Hotel
- Halifax Hotel
- Harrisville
Harrisville about 30 ks south west of Ipswich , located between Peak Crossing and Warril View
- info Jacko, Many Thanks- Commercial Hotel »
- Royal Hotel
- Hebel
Located just over the New South Wales border in Queensland
- Hebel Hotel
- Helenvale
- Helidon
Located on the Darling Downs near Toowoomba
- Criterion Hotel
- Herberton
- Australian Hotel Motel
- Royal Hotel »
- Hivesville
- Hivesville Hotel
- Homebush
Located 20 klms west of Mackay, Queensland
- General Gordon Hotel
- Home Hill
Home Hill
- Commercial Hotel
- Crown Hotel
- Malpass Hotel »
- Hughenden
- Great Western Hotel Motel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Former Grand Hotel
- Hungerford
- Hungerford Royal Mail Hotel
- Ilfracombe
- Wellshot Hotel
- Imbil
Imbil is a terrific little town. You will find a local arts and crafts gallery, a nursery and some friendly little shops in town as well as the Railway Hotel...
- Railway Hotel
- Ingham
- Casra's Tavern
- East Ingham Hotel
- Hotel Hinchinbrook
- Lee's Hotel »
- Noorla Hotel »
- Royal Hotel (The)
- Station Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- Inglewood
A southern Darling Downs town in Queensland located 93 miles southwest of Toowoomba
- Commercial Hotel
- Inglewood Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Injune
- Injune Hotel
- Innisfail
- Canecutter Tavern
- Commonwealth Hotel
- Crown Hotel
- Imperial Tavern
- Innisfail Hotel
- Queens Hotel
- Former Hotel Grand Central
- Former Whitehorse Hotel
- Innot Hot Springs
Innot Hot Springs
- Innot Hot Springs Hotel Motel
- Hotels in Ipswich »
- Irvinebank
- Irvinebank Hotel Motel
- Isisford
- Clancy's Overflow Hotel »
- Golden West Hotel
- Jacobs Well
- Jacobs Well Tavern
- Jandowae
- Exchange Hotel (Middle Pub)
- Jandowae Hotel Motel (Bottom Pub)
- Jericho
Welcome to Jericho Sign
- Jordon Valley Hotel
- Jimboomba
Jimboomba is the main commercial centre serving the rapidly developing rural residential estates in the northern part of the Beaudesert Shire.
- Jondaryan
- Jondaryan Hotel
- Julatten
- Highlander Tavern (Restaurant and Bar)
- Julia Creek
Julia Creek
- Julia Creek Hotel
- Former Gannons Hotel Motel
- Jundah
- Kairi
- Kairi Hotel
- Kajabbi
- Kalkadoon Hotel
- Kalbar
- Kandanga
Delightful rural town located in the Mary Valley, 20 km south of Gympie.
- Karumba
- Karumba Lodge Hotel
- The Sunset Tavern
- Kawana Waters
Kawana Waters
- Kawana Waters Hotel
- Kenilworth
Kenilworth is a small town, with a population of less than 300, in the beautiful upper Mary Valley Country, behind the Blackall Ranges and only about one and a half hours drive north of Brisbane...
- Keppel Sands
- Keppel Sands Hotel Motel
- Kerry
- Former Kerry Bridge Hotel
- Kilcoy
- Exchange Hotel » (The Bottom Pub)
- Stanley Hotel » (Top Pub)
- Kilkivan
Kilkivan is famous for it's history of gold and copper mining. The history still lives on at the Prophet gold mine where you can watch the gold ingots being poured...
- Kilkivan Hotel Motel
- Killarney
Main Street at Killarney
- Kingaroy
- Broadway Hotel (The Broady)
- Carrollee Hotel »
- Club Hotel
- Commercial Hotel Kingaroy
- Kingaroy Hotel Motel »
- Kingsthorpe
A Darling Downs town of Queensland located midway between Toowoomba and Oakey
- Gowrie Hotel Motor Inn
- Kin Kin
- Country Life Hotel
- Kogan
Kogan was once a Cobb and Co change over station. Seven saw mills in the area and was also the home of famous artist Hugh Sawry
- Kogan Hotel
- Koumala
- Koumala Hotel
- Kumbia
- Kumbia Hotel
- Kuranda
This world famous tourist destination, is known as the "village in the rainforest".
Attractions including a butterfly sanctuary, colourful bird aviary, koala parka thriving market community, and Kuranda Sky rail...
- Kuttabul
- Kuttabul Hotel
- Kynuna
Road train at the Blue Heeler Hotel.
Kynuna est 1860's is famous its association with banjo patterson, the Waltzing Matilda poem and the Blue Heeler Hotel.
- Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park
- Lakeland
Located on the Peninsula Development Road
- Lakeland Downs Hotel Motel
- Landsborough
Small town located 76 km north of
76 km north of Brisbane, at the southern end of the Blackall Ranges and north of the Glass House Mountains,
Great local history museum...
- Landsborough Hotel
- Lappa Junction
Former Espanol Hotel, Built 1906, Now a Museum
Lappa Junction , Near Chillagoe- Former Lappa Junction Hotel
- Laura
A small town on the Cape York Peninsula Queensland home to around 120 people.
Located 27klms south of the entrance to Lakefield National Park, Queensland's second largest park
- Quinkan Hotel
- Leyburn
- Linville
- Linville Hotel
- Little Mulgrave
- Mountain View Hotel
- Logan Village
- Longreach
Longreach is located on the Matilda Highway approximately 1200km by road north-west of Brisbane.
- Commercial Hotel Longreach
- Lyceum Hotel
- Welcome Home Hotel Motel
- Former Central Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Lucinda
- Macknade
- Macknade Hotel
- Former Lion Hotel
- Maidenwell
- Maidenwell Hotel
- Malanda
Malanda Township, Atherton Tableland
- Malanda Hotel Motel
- Many Peaks
Located in Central Queensland within The Boyne Valley.
- Marburg
Marburg is a small town located off the Warrego Highway between Brisbane and Toowoomba. Previously known as Sally Owens Plains, Rosewood Scrub and Frederick.
- Marburg Hotel
- Mareeba
Mareeba - Hot Air Ballooning
- Ant Hill Hotel (The)
- Graham Hotel
- Peninsula Pub
- Marlborough
- Marlborough Hotel
- Marmor
- Railway Hotel
- Maryborough
Situated on a curve of the broad Mary river, Maryborough is 30km inland from the Fraser Coast and 260km north of Brisbane.
- Criterion Hotel
- Oxford Hotel »
- Post Office Hotel (The P.O.)
- Former Customs House Hotel
- Former Engineers Arms Hotel
- Maryvale
- Crown Hotel
- Mckinlay
Roadtrains Outside Walkabout Creek Hotel
Used in Crocodile Dundee the Hotel was formerly the Federal Hotel and changed names after the movie.
- Walkabout Creek Hotel
- Meandarra
- Royal Hotel
- Mena Creek
Suspension Bridge over Mena Creek Falls, Paronella Park
- Mena Creek Hotel
- Meringandan
Located between Toowoomba and Crows Nest at the gateway to Cooby Dam which is popular for watersports...
- Meringandan Hotel
- Mermaid Waters
Mermaid Waters is a suburb on the Gold Coast in Queensland.
- Lone Star Tavern (The) » (The Loney)
- Miami
- Miami Tavern
- Middleton
Middleton Queensland. Not the real Hilton I don't think
- Middleton Hotel
- Miles
Miles Queensland
- Hotel Australia »
- Windsor Hotel
- Millaa Millaa
Millaa Millaa Queensland.
- Millaa Millaa Hotel
- Millmerran
Water Tank Mural
Millmerran Queensland- Rams Head Hotel
- Mingela
- Mingela Hotel
- Min Min
The Min Min Light sign
The light that follows travelers.
- Former Min Min Hotel
- Miriam Vale
Miriam Vale - Queensland
- Miriam Vale Hotel
- Miriwinni
Miriwinni Queensland
- Miriwinni Hotel
- Mitchell
Mitchell, Queensland
- Court House Hotel Mitchell
- Downshire Arms Hotel
- Hotel Mitchell
- Hotel Richards
- Western Hotel
- Monto
Monto, Queensland
- Albert Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Moolboolaman
- Former Mt Pleasant Hotel
- Moonie
Township located in the Western Downs Region of Queensland north of Goondiwindi
- Crossroads Roadhouse and Hotel Motel
- Morven
Morven, Queensland
- Morven Hotel Motel
- Mossman
Mossman, Queensland
- Daintree Inn
- Mossman Hotel
- Post Office Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Mount Carbine
Located inland from Port Douglas, Queensland.
- Mount Carbine Hotel Motel
- Mount Garnet
Mount Garnet, Queensland
- Mt Garnet Hotel
- Mount Isa
Located 1829 kilometres from Brisbane, 883 kilometres from Townsville and 356 metres above sea level, Mount Isa, the "Oasis of the Outback", is a thriving community of approximately 18,500 residents.
- Barkly Hotel Motel
- Isa Hotel »
- Mount Isa Tavern
- Overlander Hotel
- Red Earth Hotel »
- Former Argent Hotel
- Mount Molloy
Mount Molloy, Queensland
- Mt Molloy National Hotel
- Mount Morgan
Mount Morgan, Queensland
- Golden Nugget Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Mount Surprise
Mount Surprise, Queensland
- Mt Surprise Hotel
- Mount Tamborine
- Moura
Located on the Dawson Highway, 180km south-west of Rockhampton or 586 km north-west of Brisbane. Local industries include coal mining and cotton...
- Mourilyan
Mourilyan, Queensland
- Mourilyan Hotel
- Former Castor Hotel
- Muckadilla
Muckadilla, Queensland
- Muckadilla Hotel Motel
- Mulgildie
Mulgildie, Queensland
- Mulgildie Hotel
- Mulgowie
Located in the beautiful Lockyer Valley
- Mulgowie Hotel
- Mungallala
Mungallala, Queensland
- Mungallala Club Hotel
- Mungungo
- Waratah Hotel
- Murgon
- Australian Hotel Motel »
- Royal Hotel
- Murphys Creek
Located about 20 klms NE from Toowoomba
- Murphys Creel Tavern
- Muttaburra
Muttaburra, Queensland
- Exchange Hotel
- Nambour
Nambour, Queensland
- Nambour Club Hotel
- Royal George Hotel
- Nanango
- Commercial Hotel (The Irish Pub)
- Fitzroy Hotel (The Fitzy)
- Palace Hotel (The)
- Nebo
Is the closest rural and gold mining historical town to Mackay and in currently a growing mining area
- Nebo Hotel
- Nindigully
Nindigully, Queensland
- Nindigully Hotel » (The Gully)
- Nobby
Nobby, Queensland
- Rudds Pub
- Noccundra
Noccundra, Queensland
- Normanton
Normanton, Queensland
- Albion Hotel
- Central Hotel Motel
- Purple Pub
- Oakey
Oakey, Queensland
- Commercial Hotel
- Country Club Hotel Oakey
- Grand Hotel
- Western Line Hotel
- Palmer River Noth Crossing
Located at the bridge over the Palmer River on the Mulligan Highway. Formerly the Penninsula Development Highway for this section of road...
- Palmer River Goldfields Roadhouse
- Peak Crossing
The name refers to the crossing over Purga Creek. It was initially called Peak Mountain Crossing but the name was later simplified...
- Peak Pub
- Peeramon
Peeramon, Queensland
- Peeramon Hotel
- Pentland
Pentland, Queensland
Established in the mid-1850s, Pentland was a critical rail and communication junction...
- Pittsworth
Pittsworth, Queensland
- Pittsworth Hotel Motel
- Former Pittsworth Hotel Tattersalls
- Point Lookout
Beautiful beachside village located on the magnificent North Stradbroke Island. Located one hour from Brisbane CBD and the largest of the Moreton Bay group of Islands
- Stradbroke Island Beach Hotel » (The Second Straddie Pub)
- Pomona
- Pomona Hotel
- Port Douglas
Located 73 km's north of Cairns, Port Douglas is located in lush tropical rainforest below picturesque mountains and nearby to the great barrier reef...
- Central Hotel
- Court House Hotel
- Prairie
Prairie, Queensland
- Prairie Hotel Motel
- Proserpine
Proserpine, Queensland
- Grand Central Hotel
- Metropole Hotel
- Palace Hotel
- Prince of Wales Hotel
- Proston
- Golden Spurs Hotel
- Quamby
Quamby, Queensland
- Quamby Hotel
- Quilpie
Quilpie, Queensland
- Imperial Hotel Motel »
- Former Brick Hotel Quilpie (The)
- Raceview
Located in the South Ipswich area.
- Raceview Tavern
- Rainbow Beach
- Ravenshoe
Ravenshoe, Queensland
- Club Hotel Motel »
- Hotel Tully Falls
- Ravenswood
Ravenswood, Queensland
- Imperial Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Redlynch
Redlynch, Queensland
- Red Beret Hotel
- Richmond
Richmond, Queensland
- Federal Palace Hotel
- Mud Hut Hotel
- Roadvale
A little gem tucked away in the Moogerah Peaks National Park area about 80klm west of Brisbane. Located in beautiful rural valley it is a popular place for weekenders and daytrippers out of brisbane - Gary Franklin
- Royal Hotel
- Robina
- RQ's Gaming Bar & Bistro
- Rockhampton
Rockhampton is located on the east coast of Australia, on the Tropic of Capricorn, 633 kilometres north of Brisbane.
- Criterion Hotel
- Fitzroy Hotel
- Great Western Hotel »
- Heritage Hotel
- Kalka Hotel Motel
- Former Archer Hotel
- Rolleston
Located in the Queensland Central highlands 70 klms SE of springsure
- Rolleston Hotel Motel
- Rollingstone
Rollingstone, Queensland
- Rollingstone Hotel
- Roma
Roma is at the junction of three of Australia's major roads - the Warrego Hwy, the Great Inland Way and the Carnarvon Developmental Road.
- Club Hotel Motel Roma
- Commonwealth Hotel
- Empire Hotel
- Grande Hotel Roma
- Irish McGann's Hotel
- School of Arts Hotel
- White Bull Tavern
- Former King George Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Rosedale
This small friendly township boasts a country hotel, general store and a garden model railway among other attractions
- Royal Hotel
- Rosevale
Located on the Boys River. A small township 40 km south-west of Ipswich.
- Rosewood
One of the larger towns located 17 kms west of Ipswich on the road to Laidley. Rosewood is an End of the Line station for electric trains to Brisbane via Ipswich.
- Rising Sun Hotel
- Rosewood Hotel (Middle Pub)
- Royal George Hotel
- Rubyvale
Find Rubyvale located in the Sapphire Gemfields of Queensland
- Rubyvale Hotel & Cabins
- Sarina
Sarina, Queensland
- Carlons Shipwreck Hotel
- Sarina Hotel
- Tandara Hotel Motel
- Silkwood
Silkwood, Queensland
- Silkwood Hotel
- Southbrook
Southbrook, Queensland
- Southbrook Hotel
- Hotels in South Coast »
- South Johnstone
South Johnstone, Queensland
- Criterion Hotel
- Springsure
Located on the Gregory Highway, Springsure is the oldest settlement on Queensland's central highlands...
- Queen's Arms Hotel
- Stanthorpe
Located 221 Klms SW of Brisbane in the granite belt. Famous for its gardens, stone fruits and wines...
- Central Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Country Club Hotel
- O'Mara's Hotel
- Stanthorpe Hotel
- St George
St George, Queensland
- Australian Hotel Motel
- Cobb & Co Hotel (The)
- Riverview Hotel
- St George Hotel Motel
- St Lawrence
St Lawrence, Queensland
- St. Lawrence Sportsman's Arms Hotel
- Stratford
- Barron River Hotel
- Strathmore Station
Strathmore Station, about 4kms from the Pub. The Pub is about 35kms due west of the town of Colinsville...
- Hotels in Sunshine Coast »
- Surat
Surat, Queensland
- Talwood
- Talwood Hotel
- Tambo
Heart of Queensland's Outback approximately Located 900 kilometres north west of Brisbane in the centre of the Queensland Ouitback...
- Royal Carrangarra Hotel
- Tamborine
- Tannum Sands
- Taroom
Taroom, Queensland
- Leichhardt Hotel Motel
- Former Taroom Hotel
- Tarzali
Tarzali, Queensland
- Tarzali Tavern
- Tewantin
- Royal Mail Hotel
- Texas
- Stockman Hotel
- Thallon
Thallon, Queensland
- Francis Hotel
- Thangool
Thangool, Queensland
- Thangool Hotel
- Thargomindah
Thargomindah, Queensland
- The Caves
Located on the Bruce Highway north of Rockhamton.
- Caves Pub (The)
- Theebine
- Theebine Hotel
- The Leap
20 klms NW Via Mackay
- Leap Hotel (The)
- The Lynd
In Far North Queensland , Lynd Junction is located on the intersections of the Kennedy Development Road and the Gregory Development Rd...
- Oasis Roadhouse
- Theodore
Theodore, Queensland
- Theodore Hotel Motel
- Thursday Island
Reached by ferry from Seisa or ship or plane from Cairns.
One of a group of around 100 Torres Strait islands off the northern tip of Cape York...
- Federal Hotel Motel »
- Torres Hotel (Top Pub)
- Tiaro
Tiaro is located 260km north of Brisbane.
- Tieri
Central Queensland town located in the Central Highlands. Serving the Mining Industry . Established in 1983...
- Tin Can Bay
- Sleepy Lagoon Hotel
- Tingoora
- Tirroan
Via Gin Gin
- Tirroan Hotel
- Tolga
Tolga, Queensland
- Tolga Hotel
- Toobeah
- Coronation Hotel
- Toogoolawah
Located on the Brisbane Valley Highway and near Lake Wivenhoe between Esk and Kingaroy
- Club Hotel (Middle Pub)
- Exchange Hotel »
- Toogoolawah Hotel
- Toompine
Toompine, Queensland
- South Western Hotel
- Toowoomba
Located to the west of Brisbane, Toowoomba is renowned for its beautiful parks and gardens and tree-lined streets,
- Metropole Hotel
- Torbanlea
Torbanlea, Queensland
- Miners Arms Hotel
- Torrens Creek
Outback Queensland town located 300klm's west of townsvile and 600klm east of Mt Isa on the Flinders Way
- Torrens Creek Exchange Hotel Motel
- Hotels in Townsville »
- Trebonne
- Trebonne Hotel
- Tully
Tully, Queensland
- Hotel Tully
- Mount Tyson Hotel
- Tully Heads
- Tully Heads Tavern
- Undara Volcanic Park
Outback resort, home to the Undara lava tubes in Queensland Gulf Country
- Veresdale
- Veresdale Hotel
- Villeneuve
- Former Villeneuve Hotel
- Wallangarra
Wallangarra, Queensland
- Jennings Hotel »
- Wallangarra Hotel (The First Pub)
- Wallaville
Wallaville, Queensland
- Wallaville Hotel
- Walloon
Walloon is located about 10ks west of Ipswich on the road to Laidley from Ipswich.
"Walloon is a very historic township, growing up around one of the original stations on the first railway line in Queensland...
- Walloon Saloon
- Wallumbilla
Wallumbilla, Queensland
- Federal Hotel
- Wandoan
Wandoan, Queensland
- Juandah Hotel Motel
- Wangan
Wangan, Queensland
- Currajah Hotel
- Warra
- Warra Hotel
- Warwick
Warwick, Queensland
- Criterion Hotel »
- Darling Downs Hotel (Sandy Creek Pub)
- Imperial Hotel
- Langham Hotel
- O'Mahoney's Hotel
- Palace Hotel
- Sovereign Hotel
- Stockyard Hotel
- Warwick Hotel
- Former Club Hotel
- Former Parkview Hotel
- Former Universal Hotel
- Windorah
Windorah, Queensland
- Winton
Winton, Queensland
- Australian Hotel
- North Gregory Hotel Motel »
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Winton Hotel
- Wondai
- Hotel Cecil
- Warana Hotel Motel
- Wondai Hotel » (The Bottom Pub)
- Wongawallan
Located only 30 minutes from Surfers Paradise and 40 minutes from Brisbane.
- Woodford
- Woodford Village Hotel
- Former Yatesville Hotel
- Woolooga
- Woolooga Hotel
- Wooroolin
- Grand Hotel
- Wyandra
Wyandra, Queensland
- Gladstone Hotel
- Yaamba
Yaamba, Queensland
- Yaamba Royal Oak Hotel Motel
- Yamanto
Located just south of Ipswich, Queensland
- Glades Tavern
- Yamanto Tavern
- Yandaran
Located approximately 30 Klm north of Bundaberg in Queensland
- Yandaran Hotel (The Yannie)
- Yandina
- Yangan
Located 18km east of Warwick Qld and is only roughly 1 1/2 hours from
Brisbane. - Yaraka
Yaraka, Queensland
- Yaraka Hotel
- Yarraman
Last town on the New England Highway as you head north.
- Royal Hotel
- Yarraman Hotel Motel
- Yeppoon
Yeppoon is a Beachside tropical town in central coastal Queensland.
- Marsden Tavern
- Strand Hotel Yeppoon » (The Strand)
- Yuleba
Yuleba, Queensland
- Yuleba Hotel Motel
- Yungaburra
- Lake Eacham Hotel