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Hotels in Kilkivan, Queensland

Towns and suburbs close to Kilkivan | Hotels in Kilkivan

Kilkivan Hotel Motel

Kilkivan Hotel Motel On the Main Street. Bright pink, can't miss it. Family Run Hospitality Counter Meals Beer Garden Express takeaways Live Entertainment Disable access Video Juke Box Groups catered for ATM / Eftpos Darts Pool...

[street view]

19 Bligh St
Queensland 4600

07 54841125

Information on Kilkivan,

Kilkivan Main Street

Photo: John Hatwell Australia Gday

Kilkivan is famous for it's history of gold and copper mining. The history still lives on at the Prophet gold mine where you can watch the gold ingots being poured. Actually there is some renewed exploratory drilling happening in the area so the Gold and Copper days could well be here again.

Kilkivan is also on the Bicentennial National Trail which runs right through the centre of Kilkivan Township with 107 kms of the Trail running through Kilkivan Shire itself. In April each year you can watch over 1000 horses parade through the town as part of the "Great Horse Ride". Ask at the Pub or Council Offices if you would like to take part in this great Aussie and local event.

Some of the local attractions are placed up Rossmore Road turning off the Wide Bay highway 1.5 klms west of Kilkivan. Four kilometres up this road is the Prophet mine where you can pan for Gold yourself and KEEP IT. Open 6 days except Fridays.

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