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Hotels in City (Adelaide), South Australia

Towns and suburbs close to City (Adelaide) | Hotels in City (Adelaide)
Towns and suburbs close to City (Adelaide) | Hotels in City (Adelaide)

Ambassador Hotel

Ambassador Hotel Established in 1840 as the Red Lion then City Arms, United Service Club, Palace Hotel etc. Some of the hisrorical information supplied for SA Pubs was obtained from the book "Every Pub" authored by Bruce Abernethy and...

[street view]

107 King William Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 4331

Arab Steed Hotel

Arab Steed Hotel The Hotel was established in 1849.

[street view]

241 Hutt Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 1015

Astor Hotel

Astor Hotel Established in 1858 as the Labour in Vain, Perseverance in 1862, the Hanson in 1952 and Astor in 1991. It is the home of "2 Dogs Lemonade."

[street view]

437 Pultney Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 2442

Austral Hotel

Austral Hotel The hotel was established in 1880 as Cohen's Family Hotel, then Gibson's Family, Healy's, International and in 1890, the Austral Hotel. It was the first pub to serve Cooper's Draught beer on tap.

[street view]

205 Rundle Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 4660

Botanic Hotel

Botanic Hotel Underwent interior renovations for a couple of years and reopened in 1998 as a smaller Botanic Bar.

[street view]

309 North Terrace,
South Australia 5000

08 8227 0799

Brecknock Hotel

Brecknock Hotel The hotel was established in 1851 and has at one time been called the Brecon Arms.

[street view]

401 King William Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 5467

Crown & Anchor Hotel

Crown & Anchor Hotel Established in 1853 on the site of original Union Inn Arms Hotel.

[street view]

196 Grenfell Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 3212

Crown & Sceptre Hotel

Crown & Sceptre Hotel The Hotel was established in 1857. The Hotel had all the Cooper's beers on tap and no pokies or TAB (1998). A top Pub.

[street view]

308 King William Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8212 4159

Cumberland Arms Hotel

Cumberland Arms Hotel Established in 1846 as the Crown & Anchor Hotel, 1853 Cumberland House, rebuilt in 1884 and was renamed the Cumberland Arms in 1892. National Trust listed.

[street view]

205 Waymouth Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 3577

(Jackpots on Gouger)

Directors Hotel

Directors Hotel Established as the Angel Inn in 1839, Gouger in 1947, Fantasia 1974, Winston 1982, Gouger 1984 and the Directors in 1990. Whew! - Jon "An authentic thai restaurant, a brilliant function room upstairs used for all types of...

[street view]

247 Gouger Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 8484

Dog and Duck Alehouse

Royal Admiral Hotel The Hotel was established in March 1838 as the Commercial Hotel and was renamed the Royal Admiral Hotel in 1839. Now known as the Dog and Duck Alehouse named by Manager Wally Hodgens who managed two Pubs in Gawler.

[street view]

125 Hindley Street,
South Australia 5000

(08) 8410 0949

Duke of Brunswick Hotel

Duke of Brunswick Hotel The Hotel was established in 1858.

[street view]

207 Gilbert Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 9741

Duke of York Hotel

Duke of York Hotel Established in 1857 as the Family Hotel, then Ewat's Family and in 1901 the Duke of York Hotel. The hotel has a National Trust listing.

[street view]

82 Currie Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 4088

Earl of Aberdeen Hotel

Earl of Aberdeen Hotel Established in 1850 as the Devon Arms and renamed the Earl of Aberdeen in 1880. The Hotel was once owned by Coopers and has all Coopers beers on tap.

[street view]

316 Pultney Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 6433

East End Exchange Hotel

East End Exchange Hotel Established in 1839 as the Woodman Inn, Electric Light Hotel in 1900 and Producers Inn from 1906.

[street view]

235 Grenfell Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 5023

Edinburgh Castle Hotel

Edinburgh Castle Hotel The hotel was established on 31/05/1837 as Guthrie's Hotel and was renamed the Edinburgh Castle Hotel in 1839. It has the oldest hotel licence in South Australia.

[street view]

231-233 Currie Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 1435?

Elephant and Castle Hotel

Elephant and Castle Hotel The Hotel was established in 1849. (What a brilliant photo of a stobie pole and a street sign.)

[street view]

179 West Terrace,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 9023

Exeter Hotel

Exeter Hotel The hotel was established in 1851. A classic original pub.

[street view]

246 Rundle Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 2623

Flagstaff Hotel

Flagstaff Hotel The hotel was opened in 1855 and is listed by the National Trust.

[street view]

233 Franklin Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 4380

Franklin Hotel,  Raglan's Backpackers

Franklin Hotel, Raglan's Backpackers Bars Restaurant Backpackers Accommodation

[street view]

92 Franklin Street
(across the road from the bus station)
South Australia 5000

08 8231 4703


Frostbites The Hotel was established on the 28th of October 1858. Was known as The Green Dragon(Renamed Frostbites in 2001.)

[street view]

471 Pultney Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8232 3252

General Havelock Hotel

General Havelock Hotel The Hotel was established in 1873.

[street view]

164 Hutt Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 3412

Gilbert Hotel

Gilbert Hotel Established in 1849 as the Shoemaker's Arms, Crown & Sceptre in 1850, Bells Inn in 1859 and the Gilbert in 1938.

[street view]

88 Gilbert Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 9909

Grace Emily Hotel

Grace Emily Hotel Opened in 1839 as the Launceston, Whaler's Return 1844, Launceston 1911 and finally Grace Emily in 1998. "One of the best Pubs in the City" - Anne

[street view]

232 Weymouth Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 5500

Griffins Head Hotel

Griffins Head Hotel The hotel was established in 1856. A nice comfortable inner city pub.

[street view]

38 Hindmarsh Square,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 7954

Hampshire Hotel

Hampshire Hotel The hotel was established in 1856.

[street view]

110 Grote Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 5169

Heritage Hotel

Heritage Hotel Established in 1849 as the Sir Robert Peel Hotel, and was known later as the Billy Barlow, the George, Dragon, Shamrock. In 1888 it was renamed the Colonel Light Hotel

[street view]

41 Light Square,
SA 5000

08 8213 4044

Kings Head Hotel

Kings Head Hotel The hotel was established in 1848 and was rebuilt in 1876. Has a National Trust listing. There is a well in the front bar.

[street view]

353-357 King William Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8212 6657

Lord Raglan Hotel

Lord Raglan Hotel First licensed as the Lord Raglan in 1856 then the Waymouth Hotel in 1972 and back to the Lord Raglan in 1987.

[street view]

109 Waymouth Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 4602

Metropolis on Hindley

Metropolis on Hindley Former Victoria Hotel.

[street view]

85 Hindley Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 3023

Metropolitan Hotel

Metropolitan Hotel The hotel was established in 1839.

[street view]

46 Grote Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 5471

Newmarket Hotel

Newmarket Hotel The hotel was established in 1847 and has a National Trust listing.

[street view]

1 North Terrace,
South Australia 5000

08 8216 5234

Old Queens Arms Hotel

Old Queens Arms Hotel The Hotel was first licensed in 1851.

[street view]

88 Wright Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8211 8000

P.J. O’Briens Irish Pub

P.J. O'Briens Irish Pub Opened in mid 1998 in the former East End Markets Hotel.

[street view]

14 East Terrace,
South Australia 5000

08 8232 5111

Prince Albert Hotel

Prince Albert Hotel First licensed in 1852.

[street view]

254 Wright Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8212 7912

Pulteney Pokies (Formerly Jackpots on Pulteney)

Pulteney Pokies (Formerly Jackpots on Pulteney) Modern Bar Bottleshop Jackpots on Pulteney is a unique venue within the Eureka Group. Conveniently situated on the corner of South Terrace and Pulteney St in the CBD. A spacious and modern venue...

[street view]

471 Pulteney Street
South Australia 5000

08 8232 3252

Rob Roy  Hotel

Rob Roy Hotel The Hotel opened on 26th March 1840 and has a National Trust listing. A top little Pub with heaps of atmosphere.

[street view]

106 Halifax Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 5391

Rosemount Hotel

Rosemount Hotel The hotel closed in 1998. I heard that it reopened in 1999 as the Rosemount Hotel. Sounds right. ed

[street view]

160 Hindley Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8221 5156

Saracens Head Hotel

Saracens Head Hotel The Hotel was established in 1850 as the Saracen's Head Hotel, renamed the Carrington Hotel in 1929 and then back to the Saracen's Head in April 1978.

[street view]

82 Carrington Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 4449

Southern Cross Tavern

Southern Cross Tavern The tavern is part of the Southern Cross Arcade.

[street view]

21 James Place,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 2271

Stag Hotel

Stag Hotel The hotel was established in 1849 and is listed by the National Trust.

[street view]

299 Rundle Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8223 2934

St. Andrews Hotel

St. Andrews Hotel The Hotel was opened in 1839 as the Queens Arms and was renamed the Gothic Hotel in January 1952. Now known as the St. Andrews.

[street view]

317 Morpeth Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 9388

(Jackpots on Flinders)

Strata Bar

Strata Bar Previously known as Earls tavern c 2005 Located just off Gawler Place in the city. Newly renovated. Modern Bar Latest Plasmas Wireless Broadband

[street view]

57 Flinders St
South Australia 5000

08 8223 5500

Strathmore Hotel

Strathmore Hotel Established in 1855 as the Terminus Hotel and renamed the Strathmore Hotel in 1944.

[street view]

129 North Terrace,
South Australia 5000

08 8238 2900

Talbot Hotel

Talbot Hotel The Hotel opened in 1850. Some nice photography happening there Jon. Distracted by the Coopers banners maybe.

[street view]

104 Gouger Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 9780

Tattersalls Hotel

Tattersalls Hotel Established in 1851 as the Blenheim Hotel and was renamed the Tattersalls Hotel in 1882. Bars Bottleshop Functions Backpackers - a fully equipped self catering kitchen, free laundry facilities, free internet and WiFi connection

[street view]

17 Hindley Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 3225

Union Hotel

Union Hotel The hotel was established in October 1845 and is listed by the National Trust.

[street view]

70 Waymouth Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 2144

Woolshed on Hindley

Woolshed on Hindley Formerly the Rio Hotel, then Jewels and now The Woolshed on Hindley. Providing a country atmosphere in the city with a steakhouse, mechanical bull, country style bar and accommodation.

[street view]

94-100 Hindley Street
South Australia 5000

08 8212 2744

Former Criterion Hotel

Former Criterion Hotel

Former Criterion Hotel The hotel was established in 1857 as the Family Hotel until 1867 when it was renamed the Criterion Hotel. There is a vacant block (2010) . We are not sure if it is being rebuilt. Please let us know if you know. Cheers

[street view]

137 King William Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 4301

Former ? Hotel

Former ? Hotel

Former ? Hotel Do you know the name of this Former Hotel??

[street view]

Corner of Hindley & Morphett Streets, Adelaide
South Australia 5000

Former Orient Hotel

Former Orient Hotel

Former Orient Hotel The Hotel was opened in 1854 and closed in 1996. - Jon "Just a comment on the Orient hotel in Adelaide South Australia located at 144 Wakefield St, It was called the Earl of Zetland for many years up until it was closed...

[street view]

144 Wakefield Street,
South Australia 5000

Former Sportsman's Hotel

Former Sportsman's Hotel

Former Sportsman's Hotel Opened in March 1839 on the west side of Byron Place and relocated in 1920. (We believe this pub is closed.)

[street view]

185 Grote Street,
South Australia 5000

08 8231 3205

Former White Conduit House Hotel

Former White Conduit House Hotel

Former White Conduit House Hotel The Hotel was first licensed in 1839 with additions being added in 1881 and 1888. The hotel closed in 1921 due to population decline and the activities of the Temperance movement.

North Street,
South Australia 5000

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Information on City (Adelaide), 5000

European settlement in South Australia began in 1836. Adelaide, the capital, was a planned city, and retains much of its early architecture. The Adelaide Festival, held every two years, is an international cultural event.

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