Hotels in Marree, South Australia
Towns and suburbs close to Marree | Hotels in Marree
Towns and suburbs close to Marree | Hotels in Marree
Find out more about Marree and surrounding areas in the Flinders and Gammon Ranges (SA) Pub Trail
Find out more about Marree and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Information on Marree, SA 5733
Marree Railway
Photo 12/08/2005
Photos and some information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Marree is located at the junction of the Birdsville and Oodnadatta tracks.
July: Australian Camel Cup.
"Marree is the main junction point for the Oodnadatta Track up through William Creek to the north-west, and the Birdsville Track via Mungeranie to the north-east. The town is historically significant for its role with the Ghan Railway, linking Oodnadatta back south to Stirling North up until closure in 1981." - Gary Pope