Hotels in Bairnsdale, Victoria
Towns and suburbs close to Bairnsdale | Hotels in Bairnsdale
Towns and suburbs close to Bairnsdale | Hotels in Bairnsdale
Find out more about Bairnsdale and surrounding areas in the East Gippsland Pub Trail
Find out more about Bairnsdale and surrounding areas in the Central Gippsland Pub Trail
Find out more about Bairnsdale and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Information on Bairnsdale, VIC
Local Museum
Photo 01/03/2008 submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Bairnsdale is the commercial and retail hub of the region and is East Gippsland's largest town. Situated on the Mitchell River, Bairnsdale is a three hour drive from Melbourne on the Princes Highway.