Hotels in Curdie Vale, Victoria
Towns and suburbs close to Curdie Vale | Hotels in Curdie Vale
Towns and suburbs close to Curdie Vale | Hotels in Curdie Vale
Find out more about Curdie Vale and surrounding areas in the Timboon Whisky Trail Pub Trail
Boggy Creek Pub (The)
Boggy Creek Pub (The) Boggy Creek Hotel, built back in 1853, is ideally positioned right on the Curdies River and is a welcomed spot for an ale by the many fisherman and water sport fanatics that take delight in laucnhing their craft over the...
Information on Curdie Vale, VIC 3268
Curdies River with the Pub in the Background
Photo 28/09/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Curdie Vale is a fisherman's treat for safely launching craft under the bridge adjacent to the Boggy Creek Pub, and enjoying drifting down the Curdies River all the way to Peterborough on the coast if desired.