Hotels in Rosedale, Victoria
Towns and suburbs close to Rosedale | Hotels in Rosedale
Towns and suburbs close to Rosedale | Hotels in Rosedale
Find out more about Rosedale and surrounding areas in the Central Gippsland Pub Trail
Rosedale Hotel (The Great Aussie Pub)
Rosedale Hotel. Nov 2011 - "Now run by Lambros Litsas. They are very friendly and the accommodation is clean old pub style and very Cheap . Effie cooked me a satisfactory meal and I would recommend it to any traveller" comments Mark Van Staveren....
Information on Rosedale, VIC 3847
Wooden street carvings are a feature of Rosedale
Photo 01/03/2008 submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Rosedale features memorabilia and street attractions.