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Hotels in Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Fitzroy Crossing | Hotels in Fitzroy Crossing
Towns and suburbs close to Fitzroy Crossing | Hotels in Fitzroy Crossing

Crossing Inn (The)

The Crossing Inn Oldest Hotel in the Kimberley region. The outside walls are an art Mural painted by the local students. Established in 1897 by Jospeh Blythe. "Originally a "shanty inn and trade store" that served prospectors, bullock team...

[street view]

Skuthorp Road,
Fitzroy Crossing
Western Australia 6765

08 9191 5080

Information on Fitzroy Crossing, 6765

Originally build as the crossing for the Fitzroy river, now a gateway for those exploring the Kimberley, Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge

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