Hotels in Meekatharra, Western Australia
Towns and suburbs close to Meekatharra | Hotels in Meekatharra
Towns and suburbs close to Meekatharra | Hotels in Meekatharra
Find out more about Meekatharra and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Commercial Hotel (Commie)
Royal Mail Hotel
Established in 1899, the historic Royal Mail Hotel Meekatharra has been trading as a hotel for over 120 years. Currently owned by husband and wife Phillip Rehill and Gitte Heij. The hotel is managed by Michelle Brewster, Karen Ebert, Lisa McIvor...
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Information on Meekatharra, WA
Situated on the Great Northern Highway, Meekatharra is the largest centre in the Murchison, easily accessible with sealed roads from Perth in the south, Geraldton in the west and further north into the Pilbara.