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Hotels in Toodyay, Western Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Toodyay | Hotels in Toodyay

Freemasons Hotel Motel

Freemasons Hotel Accommodation - 3 motel rooms,with en-suites. Historical hotel rooms - 5 twin room; 4 Double & single; 2 double rooms. Dining facilities and counter meals, Bottle shop

[street view]

125 Stirling Tce
Western Australia 6566

08 9574 2201

Toodyay Tavern

Toodyay Tavern Accommodation - 12 Hotel Rooms Licensed Restaurant Public Bar Great beer garden

[street view]

86 Stirling Tce
Western Australia 6566

02 9574 2250

Victoria Hotel Motel

Victoria Hotel TAB Dining Room Accommodation Public Bar

[street view]

116 Stirling Tce
Western Australia 6566

02 95742206

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Information on Toodyay, 6566

Toodyay is located in the Avon Valley.

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