A walk down memory lane in Halifax, QLD
16 February 2017

On a recent trip to North Queensland I made a small detour and visited Halifax. My father's family immigrated to Halifax years before WW2; my grandfather cut sugar cane (by hand), my father started in the QLD railway at the Bemerside railway station, and my uncle worked at Macknade sugar mill.
They were regulars at all the pubs in the Halifax area ... pubs were very important places back then for more than just a drink. I remember visiting the Commercial and the Halifax pubs as a kid on holidays - the smells, the sounds, and the people a melting pot of different nationalities up there.
Anyway it brought back a lot of memories, great memories, all of these people from back then have now gone unfortunately, but the pubs are still there. All of them are still serving and surviving except for the Lion at Macknade,
I stopped there the longest just in case.
Mick Benedetti
Halifax Hotel
Seymour Hotel
Commercial Hotel Halifax
Former Lion Hotel Mackanade
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