The Downs, Crown and Red Lion Hotels?
15 July 2010

Dear Sir,
I am trying to find anything I can on the following hotels:
Red Lion Hotel - Dunolly, Tasmania - My ancestor, Ellen Rebecca Crawn ( aka Croughan,Crahan,Chrahan,Chrawn,Crone,Craun), married Jeremiah Cullum on the 26 Jul 1872 at Dunolly, Tasmania, and Jeremiah was the proprietor of the Red Lion Hotel in Dunolly.
The Crown Inn - Pontville, Tasmania - Another ancestor, James Crawn (aka, as above) married Rebecca Cox in 1829, and they were the Licensees of the Crown Inn from the 8 Oct 1841 until James died in 1848 and I believe that Rebecca was the Licensee after this with help from Mary Crahan (nee Monks and aka as above) another ancestor.
The Downs Hotel - Drayton, Queensland - My Grandfather, Kristian Isidor Efriam Engstrom was the Licensee of the Downs Hotel from sometime in 1937 until about 1939. (photo attached).
With kindest regards
Robert Engstrom
Gday Robert
We have listings for the Downs and the Crown, with the Crown having a website www.sullivanscove.com/towns/pontville/crowninn/index.htm. No listing for the Red Lionm in Dunnolly but hopefullay someone will have information on that and other Pubs and will get in touch.
Cheers and thanks for the great Downs Hotel pic with your grandfather. You can see where the current entry design comes from. - Ed
<i>Dear Sir,
In reference to the Red Lion Hotel in Dunolly, Tasmania. Jeremiah Cullum owned the Red Lion Hotel in Dunolly, VICTORIA.
Jeremiah married Ellen Rebecca Crowan in his house in Dunolly, Vic.
See attached Victorian Marriage Cert. No. 3270/1872.
Ellen was born in Pontville, Tasmania not Calcutta as the marriage cert. shows.
Jeremiah's sister Mary, was my Great Great Grandmother.
If you would like further info re Jeremiah's ownership of the Red Lion in Dunolly, Victoria, let me know please.
Starting with his birth in 1833 at Alderton, Suffolk and death from heatstroke in 1906 at Wilcannia, N.S.W. Jeremiah Cullum is a long story with three wives and their descendants.
Regards Graeme