Hotels in Woomargama, New South Wales
Find out more about Woomargama and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Woomargama Village Hotel Motel
A few icy cold beers were enjoyed here. "Woomargama Hotel was always a great midway stop when travelling out of Canberra (year's ago) late on a Friday heading for Melbourne next day. I have fond memories of arriving late into the evening there,...
Information on Woomargama, NSW 2644
Woomargama Village Hotel Motel
Photo 02/08/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
With so many bi-passes on the freeways these days, the village of Woomargama, NSW is the first pitstop along the Hume Highway if travelling north from the outskirts of Melbourne, and and provides travellers an opportunity to take a break and refuel body and soul - and beast. It comprises literally a one-pub operation - and a fine one at that! - Gary Pope