Western Australia Hotels
Select a city, town or suburb to view photos, contact details and information about the listed Western Australia Hotels. Where a Hotel has a website, you can click on the Hotel name to go there directly. Each town page includes a map with links for neighbouring towns and an option to zoom in and view individual pubs.
Please get in touch if you want to add your business to the Gday Pubs website and related network. We always welcome new photos, links to websites and stories about our great Aussie Pubs.
- Albany
Albany is Western Australias premier regional city.
- Albany Hotel
- Earl of Spencer Inn »
- London Hotel (The)
- Premier Hotel
- Royal George Hotel Motel
- Tanglehead Brewery »
- Former Esplanade Hotel
- Augusta
- Balladonia
- Billabong
Located 234 kls north of Geraldton and 250 kms south of Carnarvon. Heading North Billabong is 47klms south of the Shark Bay Road turnoff to Hamlin Pool and the Roadhouse...
- Bindoon
- Scottalian Hotel
- Boulder
- Albion Shamrock Hotel Motel
- Broken Hill Hotel
- Cornwall Hotel
- Court Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Main Reef Tavern
- Metropole Hotel
- Broad Arrow
Located 38 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie on the road to Leonpra is the Ghost Town of Broad Arrow
The town was gazetted in 1896, and at its peak during the gold rush, it had 15,000 residents, eight hotels, a soft drink factory, two breweries, a hospital and a stock exchange...
- Broad Arrow Tavern
- Brookton
Small town east/south-east from Perth on the Brookton Highway
- Broome
Located at the Southern gateway to the Kimberley, Broome is a small town where the bush meets the sea...
- Captain Murphy's Hotel
- Divers Tavern »
- Roebuck Bay Hotel » (The Roey)
- Sunset Bar »
- Caiguna
- Caiguna Roadhouse
- Carnamah
Mid West regional town of Western Australia, about 307 kilometres north of Perth. Located along the Midlands "Painted" Road
- Carnamah Hotel
- Carnarvon
Just 30kms north of Carnarvon lies the wreck of the Korean Star at Cuvier Bay. This area shows the magnificent coastline of the area with the backdrop of the wharf in the distance, but is a clear reminder of how dangerous these coastlines can be during a storm...
- Carnarvon Hotel »
- Carnarvon Tavern
- Gascoyne Hotel »
- Carrabin
Situated west of Merredin on the Great Eastern Highway
- Carrabin Roadhouse Hotel Motel
- Cervantes
Approximately 256 klms north of Perth, named after an American Whaling ship.
- Cervantes Bar and Bistro
- Cocklebiddy
- Wedgetail Inn Cocklebiddy
- Collie
- Crown Hotel
- Federal Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- Condingup
The Condingup townsite is located in a wheat, cattle and grain area. 65kms east of Esperance and 20kms from the Duke of Orleans Bay.
- Condingup Tavern & Store
- Coolgardie
- Denver City Hotel
- Coorow
Small WA wheat town.
- Coorow Hotel
- Cue
Located 620km North East of Perth, Cue is a small town in the Mid West region of Western Australia.
The town site was gazetted in 1893 and named after Tom Cue who travelled to Nannine to register a Gold Claim on behalf of Michael Fitzgerald and Edward Heffernan who reportedly collected 260 ounces after being given a nugget by an Aboriginal known as 'Governor'...
- Darkan
Located about 200km from Perth, and 1 1/2 hours East of Bunbury
The town recorded a population of 490 at the 2011 Census...- Darkan Hotel
- Denham
Located in Shark Bay and the westernmost Town in Australia
- Denmark
Denmark, home to the world famous Tree Top Walk, is located where the forest meets the sea, 400 kilometres south of Perth.
- Denmark Hotel
- Denmark Tavern
- Derby
Located NE of Broome and near King Sound. The gateway for visiting the outback Kimberley regions. Fitzroy River empties into Kings Sound
- Spinifex Hotel
- Doodlakine
Doodlakine is a town 220 km east of Perth known as Doodlie by the locals.
- Doodlakine Tavern
- Dwellingup
- Dwellingup Community Hotel
- Esperance
The Shire of Esperance, is located on Western Australia's southeast coast, about 725km from Perth by road...
- Esperance Motor Hotel
- Pier Hotel
- Traveller's Inn
- Eucla
- Fitzroy Crossing
Originally build as the crossing for the Fitzroy river, now a gateway for those exploring the Kimberley, Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge
- Fremantle
Approximately 25 kilometres south of Perth, Fremantle has long been known as Western Australia�s second city...
- Esplanade Hotel
- Fremantle Hotel
- Newport Hotel
- Orient Hotel
- Rosie O'Grady's Irish Pub
- Sail & Anchor Pub Brewery
- Former National Hotel
- Former P & O Hotel
- Geraldton
Situated on the heart of the Batavia Coast, Geraldton offers a near-perfect lifestyle year-round. Offering a temperate climate, range of entertainment, shopping, fishing and some world-accredited sporting facilities, Geraldton is the regional city of the Mid West Region of Western Australia.
- Gibson
- Gibson Soak Hotel
- Gingin
- Halls Creek
Halls Creek is a great central point for exploring and visiting some great Gorges that typify the area like Sawtooth Gorge and Palm Springs.
- Jerramungup
- Jerramungup Motor Hotel
- Kalbarri
- Gilgai Tavern
- Kalbarri Hotel
- Kalgoorlie
To many visitors Kalgoorlie and surrounds are the real Australia.
Gary Pope
2007Kalgoorlie best known for the Super Pit and its mining activities and history is host to a huge number of pubs...
- Australia Hotel
- Criterion Hotel
- Exchange Hotel
- Federal Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Kalgoorlie Hotel
- Palace Hotel
- York Hotel
- Former Australia Hotel
- Former Foundry Hotel
- Kambalda
- Kellerberrin
A Wheatbelt town of Western Australia located 200 klms east of Perth on the Great Eastern Highway
- Kellerberrin Hotel
- Kirup
- Kirup Tavern
- Kulin
Located about 280 km from Perth, Kulin is the main town within the Kulin Shire also known as the Eastern Wheatbelt region of WA...
- Kulin Hotel
- Kununurra
Kununurra renowned for its Lake Argyle and Ord River attractions.
- Gullivers Tavern
- Lake Grace
Located between Wagin and Ravensthorpe in the South-East of Western Australia. 345 kilometres from Perth along State Route 107.
- Lake Grace Hotel
- Madura
- Madura Roadhouse (Madura Pass Oasis)
- Meekatharra
Situated on the Great Northern Highway, Meekatharra is the largest centre in the Murchison, easily accessible with sealed roads from Perth in the south, Geraldton in the west and further north into the Pilbara.
- Commercial Hotel » (Commie)
- Meekatharra Hotel
- Royal Mail Hotel »
- Menzies
Menzies is a small mining town located along the Goldfields Highway between Kalgoorlie and Leonora.
It is believed that the town was named after a Canadian gold prospector (Leslie Robert Menzies) who, in 1894, found gold in the area and started the rush which resulted in the creation of the town...
- Menzies Hotel (Former Railway Hotel)
- Merriden
- Commercial Hotel
- Mingenew
- Commercial Hotel
- Mogumber
West Australian Locality
- Mogumber Tavern
- Moora
Moora is found two hour's drive to the north of Perth. Located New Norcia and the Pinnacles.
- Moora Hotel
- Moorine Rock
Moorine Rock is located 347 km east of Perth and 22 km west south west of Southern Cross in Western Australia
- Moorine Rock Hotel
- Mumballup
About two hours drive from Perth
- Mumballup Pub (Mumby Pub)
- Mundijong
Located 42 kilometres south east of Perth, Western Australia.
Named "Manjedal" in 1893 which was thought to be the Aboriginal name for the area...
- Mundijong Tavern
- Mundrabilla
- Mundrabilla Hotel Motel
- Narembeen
Located 286km from Perth in the Wheatbelt area of Western Australia . Situated between Wave Rock and the Great estern Highway...
- Narembeen Hotel
- Newdegate
Named after Sir Francis Newdegate, the Governor of Western Australia from 1920 to 1924. Located 399 km south-east of Perth and 52 km east of Lake Grace in Western Australia
- Newdegate Hotel
- Norseman
Norseman marks the western end of the long trip across the Nullarbor, and provides a choice of heading north to Kalgoorlie or south to Esperance...
- Norseman Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Northam
Located in the Avon Valley. Western Australias largest inland Town.
- Former Fitzgeralds Hotel
- Northampton
Located south of Kalbarri and 52 klms north of Geraldton on the Inland Coastal Highway.
- Northampton Motor Hotel Motel
- Railway Tavern »
- Nungarin
Nungarin itself is a pretty and welcoming town 280km East of Perth, with a great primary school, buses to two high schools, swimming pool, cafe, general store/mini-mart, beautician, hairdresser, second hand shop, craft shop, antique shop, post office, Community Resource Centre, Men's Shed, CWA branch, Shire offices and library, Bank West Agency, and modern sporting facilities with active summer and winter sports.
- Woolshed Hotel (The)
- Hotels in Perth »
- Pinjarra
- Quindanning
Population about 40 but has a great Inn. Located in South Western WA
- Ye Olde English Inne » (Quindanning Tavern)
- Ravensthorpe
- Palace Hotel
- Salmon Gums
Located in the wheatbelt region of WA
Salmon Gum is a majestic eucalypt growing to up to 30 metres, used in Farm Forestry in WA...
- Salmon Gums Hotel Motel
- Sandstone
Situated on the main road between Mt Magnet and Leinster, right in the heart of the spectacular east Murchison District, Sandstone is where you've got the action of gold prospecting and the industry of mining and pastoral stations, all coexisting with a rapidly growing Tourism industry.
- Sandstone National Hotel
- Southern Cross
Located in the Western Australian Wheat Belt 367 kilometres east of Perth.
Famous for holding its annual Strange Drilling King of the Cross...
- Palace Hotel
- Tammin
Located 184km east of Perth on the Great Eastern Highway in the shire of Tammin
- Tammin Hotel
- Toodyay
Toodyay is located in the Avon Valley.
- Freemasons Hotel Motel
- Toodyay Tavern
- Victoria Hotel Motel
- Whim Creek
Whim Creek is located on the North West Coastal Highway midway between Karratha and Port Hedland.
- Whim Creek Pub
- Wickepin
Wickepin is located 214 kilometres south-east of Perth and 38 kilometres east of Narrogin.
Until 1908, the area was sometimes known as Yarling, the name of a spring in the area (Yarling Well is 8 km west of the town)...
- Widgiemooltha
- Widgiemooltha Tavern
- Wongan Hills
Located approximately 180 km North of Perth, Wongan Hills is in the Shire of Wongan Ballidu.
The name Wongan Hills translates from the Aboriginal Wongan Katta or "Whispering Hills", which refers to the wind whispering through the greenstone laterite hills which rise just North-West of the townsite...
- Wongan Hills Hotel
- Wyndham
Wyndham is a mining town located in the East Kimberley region of northern Western Australia
- Yarloop
Founded 1894 and located South West of Western Australia on the South Western Highway between Waroona and Harvey .
- York
One of WA's must visit historic tourism towns. The buildings including the local hotels are Western Australian landmarks
- Castle Hotel »
- Imperial Hotel » (The Imp)
- York Hotel »