New South Wales Hotels
Select a city, town or suburb to view photos, contact details and information about the listed New South Wales Hotels. Where a Hotel has a website, you can click on the Hotel name to go there directly. Each town page includes a map with links for neighbouring towns and an option to zoom in and view individual pubs.
Please get in touch if you want to add your business to the Gday Pubs website and related network. We always welcome new photos, links to websites and stories about our great Aussie Pubs.
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Segenhoe Inn »
- Abermain
Hunter Valley township located 8 klms from Cessnock NSW and nearby to Kurri Kurri
- Abermain Hotel
- Denman Hotel
- Abernethy
Lower Hunter Valley Township.
- Former Abernethy Hotel
- Adelong
- Adelong Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Gold Reef Hotel »
- Albert
Small central NSW village
- Rabbit Trap Hotel
- Albion Park
- Albion Park Hotel
- Albion Park Rail
- Oaks Hotel Motel
- Albury
The border cities of Albury-Wodonga straddle the Murray River, the border between New South Wales and Victoria.
- Former Termo Hotel
- Alfred Town
- Former Shanty Hotel
- Alstonville
- Federal Hotel
- Anna Bay
- Anna Bay Tavern
- Appin
Historic village south of Campbelltown on road to Wollongong. A coal mining town and some of the farms are still from the original pastoral leases.
- Appin Hotel
- Araluen
- Ardlethan
Ardlethan is located at the intersection of the Burley Griffin Way and Newell Highway NSW
- London Hotel Motel
- Palace Hotel
- Ariah Park
- Ariah Park Hotel
- Armatree
A small Hamlet in central New South Wales
- Armatree Hotel
- Armidale
Armidale in the heart of the New England district of Northern New South Wales, Australia is a unique rural centre.
- Grand Hotel »
- Imperial Hotel
- New England Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- St. Kilda Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Whitebull Hotel
- Wicklow Hotel
- Ashford
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Attunga
- Attunga Hotel
- Avoca Beach
Holiday town on the New South Wales Central Coast.
Alongside a long beach with good surf and Avoca Lake for calm water families.- Avoca Beach Hotel
- Baan Baa
- Railway Hotel
- Balldale
- Balldale Hotel
- Ballimore
Located on the Golden Highway (Dunedoo Highway) East of Dubbo
- Ballimore Inn Hotel
- Ballina
At the mouth of the Richmond River, among, sandy beaches, rivers, lakes and waterways, the island town of Ballina is the commercial and cultural heart of the Shire.
- Australian Hotel (The Aussie)
- Ballina Hotel
- Henry Rous Hotel
- Shaws Bay Hotel
- Slipway Hotel
- Westower Tavern
- Balranald
- Shamrock Hotel Motel
- Bangalow
- Bangalow Hotel
- Baradine
- Baradine Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Barellan
- Commercial Hotel
- Barham
The Shire of Wakool is located along the border (Murray River) between New South Wales and Victoria.
- Barham Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Barmedman
- Barmedman Hotel
- Queensland Hotel
- Barooga
- Barooga Hotel
- Barraba
- Commercial Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- Former Central Hotel
- Barringun
Barringun, located on the NSW-Queensland border. 0nce a thriving town which was serviced by four hotels, it now has one Hotel and a population of four...
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Bateau Bay
- Batemans Bay
Batemans Bay sits on the banks of the Clyde River and enjoys views both upriver, to the mountains, and seaward, to nearby islands.
- Bayview Hotel
- Mariner's on the Waterfront
- Bathurst
Bathurst lies on the Macquarie River west of the Blue Mountains. Home to the World Reknown Bathurst 1000 motor race which is awaited by fans as duel between manufacturers Holden and Ford
- Dudley Hotel
- Edinboro Castle Hotel
- Elephant & Castle Hotel
- Family Hotel
- Farmers Arms Hotel
- Jack Duggan's Pub »
- Kings on George Hotel »
- Knickerbocker Hotel »
- Oxford Tavern »
- Panorama City Hotel Motel
- Park Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- Waratah Bar & Grill
- Former Royal Hotel
- Former Tourist Hotel
- Batlow
- Batlow Hotel
- Beckom
- Beckom Hotel
- Beechwood
- Beechwood Hotel
- Bega
Bega Valley Shire is located on the south-eastern coastline of New South Wales and extends from Bermagui in the north to the Victorian boarder in the south.
- Bank Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Bellata
- Former Nandewar Hotel
- Bellbrook
- Bellbrook Hotel
- Bellingen
Bellingen Shire is located on the Mid North Coast of NSW and is renowned for its variation in magnificent scenery...
- Diggers Tavern-Motel
- Federal Hotel
- Bemboka
- Bemboka Hotel
- Bendemeer
- Bendemeer Hotel
- Bendick Murrell
- Calare Tavern
- Bermagui
Bermagui and Wallaga Lake, have long been a fishermen's paradise, and now others are discovering this haven at the northern entrance to the Sapphire Coast...
- Berowra Heights
- Berowra Village Tavern. » (Berowra Heights Hotel)
- Berridale
Settled in the 1860s, Berridale lies between Cooma and the Snowy Mountains ski fields.
- Berridale Inn Hotel
- Berrigan
- Berrigan Hotel
- Federal Hotel Motel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Momalong Hotel
- Berrima
- Surveyor General Inn
- Berry
Berry is known as the town of trees and features wonderful gardens, antique and craft shops. Berry is located off the Princes Highway just north of Nowra and the local Markets attract visits from all over the South Coast of NSW
- Great Southern Hotel
- Hotel Berry
- Former Bunyip Inn
- Bethungra
- Former Hotel Shirley
- Bigga
- Billinudgel
- Billinudgel Hotel (The Billi Pub)
- Binalong
- Binalong Hotel
- Former Commercial Hotel (Old Patersons Pub)
- Former Royal Hotel
- Bingara
Bingara sits on the western edge of the New England Tablelands in a region known as the North West Slopes...
- Imperial Hotel
- Sportsman's Hotel
- Former Post Office Hotel
- Binnaway
- Exchange Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Blackheath
- Blaxland
A Blue Mountains town named after Gregory Blaxland explorer, pastorlist, and later crossing the Blue Mountains with Lawson and Wentworth.
- Blaxland Tavern
- Lapstone Hotel »
- Blayney
- Club House Hotel
- Exchange Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Blighty
- Blighty Pub
- Bodalla
Bodalla is known for Bodalla Cheeses and for the 'Big Cheese' at the northern end of the town
Bodalla is a timber town approx 329 km south of Sydney via the Princes Highway...- Bodalla Arms Hotel
- Bogan Gate
- Railway Hotel Motel
- Boggabilla
- Wobbly Boot Hotel
- Boggabri
- Commercial Hotel »
- Royal Hotel
- Former Railway Hotel
- Bomaderry
Bomaderry is located just over the Shoalhaven River from Nowra and is the centre for the Shoalhaven Rail link and the southernmost point of the Illawarra rail line heading south from Sydney.
- Bomaderry Hotel
- Bombala
- Globe Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Former Hotel Bombala
- Bonalbo
- Dog & Bull Hotel
- Bonny Hills
- Beach Hotel
- Booligal
- Duke of Edinburgh Hotel
- Boomi
- Pioneer Hotel
- Booroorban
An historic stopover, 50 klms south of Hay.
- Royal Mail Hotel
- Boorowa
- Boorowa Hotel
- Court House Hotel
- Ram & Stallion Hotel
- Former Central Hotel
- Boree Creek
- Boree Creek Hotel
- Bourke
Bourke Shire is located in far north west NSW on the Darling River.
- Back Of Bourke Hotel (The) (The Northy)
- Oxford Hotel
- Port O Bourke Hotel
- Post Office Hotel
- Former Central Australian Hotel
- Bowenfels
- Former Australian Arms Inn
- Former Eagle and Child Inn
- Bowning
- Commercial Hotel
- Former Shamrock and Thistle Hotel
- Bowral
Bowral is the commercial centre of the Southern Highlands and was the home-town of cricketing legend Sir Donald Bradman.
- Former Grand Hotel
- Bowraville
Nambucca Shire is a coastal Council located in the Mid-North Coast region of NSW, 510 kms north of Sydney and 490 kms south of Brisbane.
- Bowra Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Boydtown
Named after Benjamin Boyd, a wealthy London stockbroker who came to Australia to commence pastoral and paddlesteamer businesses...
- Seahorse Inn
- Braidwood
Located 86 klms south of Goulburn, Braidwood is a declared national Historic Trust town. Located in Capital Country Braidwood features craft shops and art galleries and is home to 2 Hotels and a Country Club...
- Braidwood Hotel »
- Royal Mail Hotel »
- Former Albion Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Former Criterion Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Branxton
- Royal Federal Hotel
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Breadalbane
- Former Breadalbane Hotel
- Bredbo
- Bredbo Inn
- Brewarrina
Located 97km east of Bourke, Brewarrina is a charming outback town. Activities include fishing in the Barwong River and walking the beautiful local parks...
- Brewarrina Hotel »
- Royal Hotel
- Bribaree
- Railway Hotel
- Broadwater
- Commercial Hotel
- Brocklesby
- Brocklesby Hotel
- Broken Hill
The City of Broken Hill is the largest regional centre in the western half of New South Wales.
- All Nations Hotel
- Alma Hotel
- Black Lion Inn Hotel
- Broken Hill Hotel
- Excelsior Hotel
- Junction Hotel
- Malenrouge Hotel Motel
- Mulga Hill Tavern
- Northern Hotel
- Old Willyama Hotel Motel
- Palace Hotel (The) »
- Rising Sun Hotel
- Royal Exchange Hotel »
- Silver Spade Hotel
- South Australian Hotel
- South Broken Hill Hotel
- Southern Cross Hotel Motel
- The Old Royal Hotel
- Tydvil Hotel
- West Darling Hotel
- Former Astra Hotel
- Former Barrier Club Hotel
- Former Caledonian Hotel
- Former Centennial Hotel
- Former Crown Hotel
- Former Crystal Hotel »
- Former Daydream Hotel Motel
- Former Duke of Cornwall Hotel
- Former Freiberg Arms Hotel
- Former Gasworks Hotel
- Former Gladstone Hotel
- Former Grand Hotel
- Former Hillside Hotel
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Former Newmarket Hotel
- Former Pig & Whistle Hotel
- Former Silver King Hotel
- Former Sportsmans' Arms Hotel (The Farm)
- Former Stephens Creek Hotel ("The Creek")
- Former Tattersalls Hotel
- Former Tramway Hotel
- Former Union Club Hotel
- Former Victoria Hotel
- Former Wilcannia Club Hotel
- Brooklyn
Small hamlet known as the Gateway to the Hawkesbury. Next to Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park, Muogamarra Nature Reserve and long Island.
- Anglers Rest Hotel
- Brunswick Heads
- Hotel Brunswick
- Brushgrove
- Brushgrove Hotel
- Budgewoi
- Coast Hotel
- Bulahdelah
- Bulga
Hunter Valley township located south west of Singleton, NSW
- Cockfighter Creek Tavern
- Bundarra
- Commercial Hotel
- Bungendore
Situated 20-30 minutes (35km) east of the ACT and 25km from Queanbeyan, Bungendore is conveniently situated close to everywhere and everything...
- Lake George Hotel »
- Royal Hotel
- Bunyan
- Former Squatters Arms Hotel
- Burcher
- Burcher Hotel
- Buronga
- Edge Hotel Motel
- Burrawang
- Burrawang Village Hotel
- Burren Junction
- Junction City Hotel
- Former Coronation Hotel
- Burrumbuttock
- Farmers Inn Hotel
- Byron Bay
The Byron Shire, covering an area of 566 square kilometres, is located at Australia's eastern-most point, 180km south of Brisbane, 800km north of Sydney.
- Beach Hotel (The Top Pub)
- Great Northern Hotel (The Middle Pub)
- Railway Hotel (The Bottom Pub)
- Cabarita Beach
- Camden
A charming rural center located 60klms south-west of Sydney
- Argyle Inn »
- Camden Hotel »
- Crown Hotel »
- Merino Tavern
- Campbelltown
City 50km south of Sydney, named after Governer Macquarie's wifes maiden name. Founded in 1820. In area, wineries gardens, historical houses.
- Campbelltown City Hotel
- Macarthur Tavern
- Hotels in Campbelltown »
- Canbelego
Off the Barrier Highway.
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Candelo
Travelers on the Sapphire Coast, should seriously consider zig-zagging down the coast, taking in Bermagui to Tathra, and then take one of the more pleasant trips off the Princes Highway thru Bega across via Kameruka to Candelo, and back to the highway via Wolumla.
- Family Hotel
- Canowindra
- Canowindra Hotel
- Junction Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Victoria Hotel
- Capertee
- Captains Flat
- Captains Flat Hotel
- Caragabal
- Royal Hotel
- Carcoar
- Royal Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Former Stoke Hotel
- Cargo
- Carinda
Small country town located South West of Walgett
- Carinda Hotel
- Carrathool
- Family Hotel
- Casino
- Cecil Hotel
- Charcoal Inn
- Commercial Hotel
- Commonwealth Hotel
- Oxford Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Cassilis
- Royal Hotel
- Catherine Hill Bay
- Wallarah Hotel (Catho Pub)
- Central Tilba
Quaint Village a couple of Kms off the Princes Highway. Well worth the detour.
For thosse interested in the town's history, a group of residents (Diana Watson, Norm Hoyer, and Dave Cotton) have gone to great trouble to restore and register an archive of original glass negative photos of the area from the Hoyer Collection...
- Dromedary Hotel
- Cessnock
Cessnock is rich in heritage activities. The region's boundaries extend to the rugged Brokenback Range, Watagan State Forest and the Hawkesbury and Hunter Rivers.
- Australia Hotel Motel
- Cessnock Hotel
- Peden's Tavern Hotel »
- Royal Oak Hotel »
- Former Wentworth Hotel
- Charmhaven
- Charmhaven Tavern
- Chinderah
- Chinderah Tavern
- Chittaway Bay
- Chittaway Bay Tavern
- Clarence Town
- Erringhi Hotel
- Cobar
Cobar Shire is situated in the centre of New South Wales, at the crossroads of the Barrier Highway and the Kidman Way.
- Empire Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Great Western Hotel
- Former New Occidental Hotel
- Cobargo
Cobargo is situated on the Princes Highway north of Bega. Its a village lifestyle with fascinating craft shops, local wares, the Cobargo Hotel Motel
- Cobargo Hotel Motel
- Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour, located about halfway between Sydney and Brisbane, prides itself on its many attractions, natural beauty and quality of services.
- Coast Hotel
- Coffs Harbour Hotel (Coffs Hotel)
- Greenhouse Tavern
- Park Beach Hotel Motel (The Hoey Moey)
- Pier Hotel
- Plantation Hotel
- Coleambally
- Brolga Hotel Motel
- Collarenebri
- Tattersalls Hotel Motel
- Collector
- Bushranger Hotel (The)
- Former Wheatsheaf Hotel
- Collie
- Collie Hotel
- Collingullie
- Cross Roads Hotel Motel
- Conargo
- Former Conargo Hotel
- Condobolin
Lachlan Shire Council is one of the largest Shires in New South Wales, having an area of over 15,000 sqare kilometres...
- Condobolin Hotel Motel
- Imperial Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Cookardinia
- Former Cookardinia Hotel
- Coolac
- Coolac Hotel
- Coolah
Coolah is confident that it is the home of the 'Black Stump'and that it was here that the colloquial saying "beyond the black stump", meaning "beyond civilisation" is said to have originated...
- Black Stump Inn
- Coolah Valley Hotel
- Coolamon
- Coolamon Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Coolatai
- Wallaroo Hotel
- Cooma
Known as the Capital of the Snowy Mountains, Cooma is a popular stop-off point for people en route to the mountains or the coast, and has a gateway information centre for travellers between Victoria and New South Wales.
- Alpine Hotel
- Australian Hotel
- Coffey's Hotel
- Cooma Hotel
- Dodd's Hotel »
- Royal Hotel
- Former Lord Raglan Hotel
- Former Pine Valley Inn
- Coonabarabran
Coonabarabran is 451 km north-west of Sydney between Gilgandra and Gunnedah, 509 m above sea-level and located near the Warrunbungles...
- Coonabarabran Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Coonamble
Coonamble Shire is located in the north west of NSW and covers almost 10,000 square kilometres.
- Bucking Bull Hotel »
- Commercial Hotel
- Sons of the Soil Hotel
- Terminus Hotel
- Coopernook
- Hotel Coopernook
- Cootamundra
Cootamundra is located half way between Sydney and Melbourne and possesses an appealing mix of country charm and city style.
- Albion Hotel
- Central Hotel
- Cootamundra Hotel (Coota Hotel)
- Family Hotel
- Globe Hotel
- Olympic Hotel
- Former Calman's Royal Oak Hotel
- Former Railway Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Cooyal
Small locality east of Mudgee
- Old Cooyal Hotel
- Copmanhurst
- Rest Point Hotel
- Coraki
- Club Hotel
- Coraki Hotel
- Coramba
- Hampden Hotel
- Coreen
- Former Coreen Hotel
- Corindi Beach
- Corowa
Corowa Tourism welcomes you to the Corowa Shire, Heart of the Majestic Murray.
Corowa offers the perfect rural holiday experience for couples and families...
- Australia Hotel
- Corowa Hotel
- Globe Hotel
- Newmarket Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Star Hotel
- Coutts Crossing
- Coutts Tavern
- Cowra
Cowra Shire is located in the Central West of New South Wales, 310 kilometres driving due west of Sydney.
- Australian Hotel
- Cowra Hotel
- Imperial Hotel »
- Lachlan Hotel
- Lachlan Valley Hotel Motel
- Railway Hotel
- Town House Hotel Motel
- Crescent Head
- Crescent Head Tavern
- Crookwell
Crookwell lies north of Goulburn high atop the western slope of the Great Dividing Range.
- Commercial Hotel (Horse and Hound Hotel)
- Cudal
Located near Orange, about 240 klms from Sydney on the Central Tablelands
- Royal Hotel
- Culcairn
- Cullenbone
- Former Green Swamp Inn
- Cumnock
- Cundletown
- Airport Hotel Motel
- Curlewis
- Commercial Hotel
- Currabubula
- Currabubula Pub and Cafe
- Cuttabri
- The Wine Shanty
- Dalgety
Located on the Snowy River 51 km from Cooma.
Previously known as Buckley's Crossing, the township was surveyed in 1874...
- Dalton
- Royal Hotel
- Dareton
- Former Coomealla Club Hotel
- Darlington Point
- Punt Hotel
- Daysdale
- Exchange Hotel
- Deepwater
- Commercial Hotel
- Deepwater Inn Hotel »
- Delegate
Border town well known for its trout fishing.
- Delegate Hotel
- Delungra
- Delungra Hotel
- Deniliquin
Deniliquin is a progressive rural town situated on the Edward River in south western New South Wales.
- Central Hotel
- Coach House Hotel Motel
- Edward River Hotel (The Buncha)
- Exchange Hotel
- Federal Hotel
- Globe Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Sportsman's Hotel Motel
- White Lion Hotel Motel
- Denman
- Denman Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Dorrigo
- Commercial Hotel (The Bottom Pub.)
- Dorrigo Hotel Motel » (The Top Pub.)
- Drake Village
- Drake Hotel Motel
- Dubbo
Dubbo City is situated in the centre of New South Wales, within easy reach from most of the eastern interior and seaboard of Australia.
- Amaroo Hotel
- Castlereagh Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Cooper's Tavern
- Garden Hotel
- Macquarie Inn Hotel Motel
- Milestone Hotel
- Pastoral Hotel »
- Railway Junction Hotel
- South Dubbo Tavern
- Western Star Hotel
- Westside Hotel »
- Former Civic Hotel
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Former River Inn Tavern
- Dunedoo
- Dunedoo Hotel »
- Former Royal Hotel
- Dungog
Dungog Shire is in the Hunter Region of NSW and is renowned for its forests, mountains and picturesque river villages.
- Bank Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Dungowan
- Dungowan Hotel
- East Gresford
A Hunter Valley Village located 198 kms North of Sydney
- Beatty Hotel
- Ebor
- Ebor Falls Hotel Motel
- Eden
Eden is a former whaling town, located on Twofold Bay with a superb natural safe harbour. Attractions include the Eden Killer Whale Museum featuring the skeleton of Tom the Killer Whale who helped early whalers in locating their prey...
- Great Southern Inn
- Former Hotel Australasia »
- Ellalong
- Ellalong Hotel
- Ellalong Hotel
- Eltham
- Friendly Inn Hotel
- Emmaville
- Club Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel »
- Empire Bay
- Empire Bay Tavern
- Emu Plains
- Enngonia
Small town only 40 km from the Queensland border and 100 km north of Bourke
- Oasis Hotel
- Erina
- Ettalong
About 90 mins north of Sydney this small seaside village is a outskirt suburb of Woy Woy. Home to resorts and Hoilday attractions...
- Ettalong Beach Hotel
- Euabalong
- Royal Hotel
- Eugowra
- Central Hotel
- Fat Lamb Hotel
- Eumungerie
- Drovers Dog Tavern
- Euston
- Royal Hotel
- Evans Head
- Hotel Illawong
- Fifield
Small town in central NSW
- Fifield Hotel
- Finley
- Albion Hotel
- Country Club Hotel Motel
- Tuppal Hotel
- Forbes
Forbes Shire is located within the central western slopes of New South Wales with the town of Forbes as the major urban centre.
- Commercial Hotel
- Forbes Inn Hotel Motel
- Globe Hotel
- Post Office Hotel
- Vandenberg Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- Former Albion Hotel
- Former Australia Hotel
- Former Metropolitan Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Fords Bridge
Fords Bridge lies between Green Creek and the Warrego River north-west from Bourke.
Fords Bridge features a local museum, some rustic buildings and the Warrego Hotel with a population of between four and six...
- Warrego Hotel
- Forest Reefs
- Forest Reefs Tavern
- Forster
- Lakeside Tavern
- Lakes & Ocean Hotel
- Frederickton
- Macleay River Hotel (Fredo Pub)
- Galambine
Located between Gulgong and Mudgee
- Former Junction Inn
- Galong
Located in a grain producing area East of Harden.
- Royal Hotel
- Ganmain
- Ganmain Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Garah
- Club Hotel
- Georges Plains
- Former Georges Plains Hotel
- Gerogery
- Gerogery Hotel
- Gerringong
Located 10 klms south of Kiama on the Illawarra Coast. Take the coast road from kiama to Nowra to enjoy this town and spectacular scenery...
- Gerringong Hotel Motel
- Geurie
Quaint country town
- Mitchell Inn Hotel
- Gilgandra
Gilgandra, situated at the junction of three highways, is known as the home of the Coo-ees and as the town of windmills.
- Golden West Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Gladstone
The twin towns of Gladstone and Smithtown lie on opposite banks of the Macleay River and are linked by the Smithtown Bridge.
- Glencoe
- Red Lion Tavern
- Glengarry
Glengarry features the iconic Glengarry Hilton in the heart of the Black Opal mining Field 75 kilometres north of Walgett or 75 kilometres west of Lightning Ridge.
- Glengarry Pub (Glengarry Hilton)
- Glen Innes
- Club Hotel
- Great Central Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- New Tattersalls Hotel Motel
- Railway Tavern
- RRR Restaurant and Bar. (Triple R) »
- Former Royal Hotel
- Glenreagh
- Golden Dog Hotel
- Gloucester
Gloucester Shire is located in the northern extremities of the Hunter region. The town of Gloucester is the major commercial and urban centre of the area.
- Avon Valley Inn Hotel
- Roundabout Inn »
- Gol Gol
- Gol Gol Hotel
- Goodooga
Just south of the Queensland NSW border.
- Telegraph Hotel Motel
- Goolgowi
- Royal Mail Hotel
- Goolma
Small town located between Wellington and Gulgong
- Martin's Goolma Hotel
- Gooloogong
- Gooloogong Hotel
- Goonellabah
- Goonellabah Tavern
- Gosford
Located on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Gosford is renowned for its natural beauty, tourist attractions and thriving business industries.
- Dutton's Tavern and Bistro
- Elanora Hotel Motel »
- Gosford Hotel »
- Henry Kendall Family Bistro and Tavern »
- The Settlers Tavern »
- Union Hotel
- Former Broadwater Hotel
- Goulburn
Situated in the scenic Southern Tablelands of NSW Goulburn is strategically located to provide a unique blend of City facilities and a country lifestyle.
- Astor Hotel Motel »
- Carlton Hotel Motel
- Coolavin Hotel
- Empire Hotel
- Exchange Hotel »
- Gordon Hotel
- Hibernian Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Tully Park Tavern
- Former Mandelson's Hotel
- Hotels in Grafton »
- Graman
- Graman Hotel
- Gravesend
- Gravesend Hotel
- Greenethorpe
- Shamrock Hotel
- Greenwell Point
Located in the Shoalhaven with views that are worth the drive! Located on the Crookhaven River, a beautiful position with wharfs and fishing...
- Grenfell
- Albion Hotel
- Criterion Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Former Exchange Hotel
- Greta
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Griffith
This thriving city is a unique mix of cultures from all around the world which give Griffith that true cosmopolitan feel.
- Area Hotel
- Griffith Hotel Motel
- Victoria Hotel
- Grong Grong
- Royal Hotel
- Gulargambone
Located next to the Castlereagh River and on the Castlereagh Highway. Great small town of around 500 people...
- Gulargambone Hotel
- Gulgong
Old gold mining town. Once the home of Henry Lawson.
extracted from: www.smh.com.au/news/New-South-Wales/Gulgong/2005/02/17/1108500193668...
- Centennial Hotel »
- Commercial Hotel
- Post Office Hotel
- Prince of Wales Hotel »
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Former Unknown Pub
- Gundagai
Nestled in the South West Slopes of NSW, Gundagai is a town that is famous in Australian verse and song.
- Criterion Hotel
- Family Hotel
- Gresham Hotel
- Star Hotel
- Former Hume Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Gundaroo
- Gundaroo Hotel
- Matt Crowes Wine Bar
- Gundy
Small town located 12klms east of Scone on the Gundy Road
- Linga Longa Hotel
- Gunnedah
Gunnedah is situated in the heart of the Namoi Valley and is known as the 'Koala Capital of the World'.
- Club House Hotel
- Court House Hotel
- Gunnedah Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Park View Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Gunning
- Telegraph Hotel
- Gurley
- Royal Hotel
- Guthega
Guthega Village is a ski and village located in the Kosciuszko National Park, on the upper reaches of the Snowy River...
- Guyra
- Guyra Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Gwabegar
- Former Great Western Hotel
- Halfway Creek
- The Former Old Wine Bar
- Hallidays Point
Hallidays Point
- Hallidays Point Tavern
- Hampton
Hampton is a hamlet found on Jenolan Caves Road between Mount Victoria (Blue Mountains) and Jenolan Caves...
- Harden
Harden Shire is home to 3,800 people, half living in the twin towns of Harden and Murrumburrah.
- Carrington Hotel (The Carro)
- Former Doncaster Hotel
- Former Grand Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Harrington
- Harrington Hotel
- Hartley Vale
Hartley Vale is found west of Hartley and Little Hartley, located on the western side of the Blue Mountains...
- Harwood
- Harwood Hotel (The Hilton)
- Hay
- Commercial Hotel
- New Crown Hotel
- Riverina Hotel
- South Hay Hotel
- Former Bridge Hotel
- Former Caledonian Hotel
- Former Highway Inn Hotel
- Former One Tree Hotel
- Former Terminus Hotel
- Helensburgh
- Centennial Hotel
- Henty
- Doodle Cooma Arms Hotel
- Former Central Hotel
- Hermidale
- Hermidale Tavern
- Hexham
- Former Traveller's Rest Hotel
- Hill End
Historic Gold Mining town. Now preserved as a tourism destination.
- Royal Hotel
- Hillston
- Clubhouse Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Hinton
- Victoria Hotel
- Holbrook
Holbrook town - famous for its association with Submarines
- Holbrook Hotel (Pub Near the Sub)
- Riverina Hotel
- Former Woolpack Inn
- Howlong
- Court House Hotel
- Howlong Hotel
- Hunters Hill
A Northern Shore suburb of Sydney located 9 klms from the Sydney CBD.
- Huskisson
Located 24km SE of Nowra and ideally placed on the shores of Jervis Bay.Museums, Worlds best diving in incredibly clear waters, whale watching.
- Huskisson Hotel (Husky Pub)
- Illabo
- Illabo Hotel
- Iluka
- Sedgers Reef Hotel
- Inverell
Inverell is located on the Gwydir Highway on the western edge of the New England Tablelands.
- Australian Hotel
- Empire Hotel
- Highland Tavern
- Imperial Hotel
- Oxford Hotel
- Royal Club Hotel Motel
- Tattersall Hotel
- Ivanhoe
- Jamberoo
A quaint village around 13 kms from Kiama. Turn off at Kiama. Essentially a dairy town, the Jamberoo Pub is a must visit.
- Commercial Hotel » (Jamberoo Pub)
- Jennings
- Jennings Hotel
- Jerilderie
Three and a half hours drive from Melbourne
Jerilderie is a significant drylands and irrigation area with rice, tomato and cotton grown locally
- Colony Inn Hotel Motel
- Jerilderie Hotel
- Royal Mail Hotel
- Former Courthouse Hotel
- Former Jerilderie Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Former Travelers Rest Hotel
- Jerrys Plains
- Jerrys Plains Tavern
- Jindabyne
Jindabyne sits on the shore of Lake Jindabyne, in close proximity to the Kosciuszko National Park and the ski fields of Thredbo and Perisher Blue.
- Jindera
- Jindera Hotel Motel
- Jingellic
- Johns River
- Blacksmiths Inn Hotel
- Jugiong
- Junction Hill
Just a few klms north of Grafton on the Summerland Way To Casino
- Blue Goose Hotel Motel
- Junee
Junee is located 468km South West of Sydney and 248km North West of Canberra.
- Commercial Hotel
- Junee Hotel
- Locomotive Hotel
- Red Cow Hotel
- Former Broadway Hotel
- Former Loftus Hotel
- Kandos
Located in the Capertee Valley on the western edge of the Great Dividing Range 231 km north-west of Sydney...
- Kandos Hotel
- Former Railway Hotel
- Kangaroo Valley
Friendly country village. Set amongst awesome sandstone cliffs. River and picnic areas. Nice Inn. Beautiful drive west through mountains to Fitzroy Falls
- Friendly Inn Hotel
- Kanwal
- Dam Hotel Motel (Kanwal Hotel)
- Kariong
Located on the Central Coast Highway on the way to Gosford
- Karuah
- Karuah Hotel
- Katoomba
Katoomba is approximately 100 kilometres from central Sydney and is 1,000 metres above sea level.
- Kearsley
Located South East of Cessnock
- Kelso
- Kelso Hotel Motel
- Kempsey
Kempsey is situated 5 hours drive north from Sydney in the Macleay Valley, or Natures Wonderland.
- Great Northern Hotel
- Kempsey Hotel
- New Royal Tavern
- Railway Hotel
- West Kempsey Hotel
- Former Tattersalls Hotel
- Kew
- Royal Hotel
- Khancoban
- Alpine Inn Hotel Motel
- Kiama
Popular Seaside holiday destination and on the Sydney south rail line. Famous for the blowhole attraction which is lit at night...
- Grand Hotel »
- Kiama Inn Hotel
- Kikoira
- Former Kikoira Hotel
- Kincumber
Resort township destination well placed on the NSW central coast
- Kincumber Hotel
- Kingscliff
- Grand Pacific Hotel
- Saltbar Beach Bar & Bistro
- Kitchener
Located near Abernathy and the Aberdare State Forest
- Koorawatha
- Koorawatha Hotel
- Kootingal
Located on the New England Highway, north east of Tamworth
- Kootingal Hotel
- Krambach
- Commercial Hotel
- Kurri Kurri
Located on the link road between Cessnock and Maitland
- Chelmsford Hotel
- Empire Tavern
- Kurri Kurri Hotel
- Kyalite
The tiny village of Kyalite is situated 36 kms south of Balranald on the banks of the Wakool River
- Kyalite Hotel
- Kyeamba
- Former Travellers Joy Inn
- Kyogle
The Kyogle district boasts a wide range of natural assets, including the World Heritage listed Border Ranges, Toonumbar National Park and 12 state forests
- Commercial Hotel
- Exchange Hotel
- Lake Cargelligo
- Australian Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Royal Mail Hotel
- Lake Cathie
- Lake Cathie Tavern
- Laurieton
- Laurieton Hotel Motel
- Lavington
- Garrisan Hotel Motel (Northside Hotel)
- Lawrence
Bypassed from the Pacific Highway between Brushgrove and Maclean. Just a few klm sidetrip.
- Lawrence Tavern
- Lawson
A Blue Mountains town named in honour of explorer William Lawson
- Blue Mountains Hotel
- Leeton
Leeton is situated in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area in the Riverina region of Southern New South Wales.
- Leeton Hotel
- Wade Hotel
- Former Hydro Tavern
- Lennox Head
- Lennox Point Hotel (The Lennox Pub)
- Leura
- Alexandra Hotel
- Lightning Ridge
Small opal mining town in the black opal fields. Bottlehouse museum, opal cutting demonstrations.
- Lightning Ridge Hotel Motel
- Former Diggers Rest Hotel
- Lismore
Lismore is a major regional centre on the far north coast of New South Wales.
- Canberra Hotel
- Civic Hotel Motel
- Gollon Hotel
- Hotel Richmond
- Mary Gilhooleys Hotel
- New Tattersalls Hotel Motel
- Northern Rivers Hotel
- Rous Hotel
- Standard Hotel
- Station Hotel
- Winsome Hotel
- Lithgow
The City of Lithgow is situated on the western slopes of the Blue Mountains about 2 hours drive from Sydney.
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Little Hartley Village
- Former Shamrock Inn
- Little Topar
- Little Topar Hotel
- Lochinvar
Approximately ten minutes from central Maitland and located close to the vineyards of the region.
- Lochinvar Hotel Motel
- Lockhart
- Commercial Hotel
- Railway Hotel
- Former New Gunyah Hotel
- Long Flat
- Travellers Rest Hotel
- Long Jetty
- Long Jetty Hotel
- Louth
Louth is a small settlement on the banks of the Darling River, established in 1859.
- Shindy's Inn
- Lowesdale
- Former Burrajaa Hotel
- Lucknow
- Goldfields Tavern
- Lue
Small town located 28 km South East of Mudgee in the Central Tablelands. The village was moved to accommodate the rail line...
- Lue Hotel
- Lyndhurst
- Royal Hotel
- Macksville
- Nambucca Hotel
- Star Hotel
- Maclean
- Argyle Hotel
- Clarence Hotel
- Maclean Hotel »
- Maitland
River Country is a patchwork of fertile farmlands and lively villages surrounding the heritage city of Maitland.
- Belmore Hotel
- Caledonian Hotel
- Club House Hotel
- Family Hotel
- Grand Junction Hotel
- Largs Hotel
- Metropolitan Hotel
- Queens Arms Hotel
- Shenanigans at the Imperial Hotel
- Valley Brewery Hotel
- Former Alma Hotel
- Former Carrington Hotel
- Former Currency Lass Hotel
- Former Exchange Hotel
- Former Falls Hotel
- Former Grand Central Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Former Seven Seas Hotel
- Former Volunteer Hotel
- Hotels in Maitland »
- Majors Creek
- Elrington Hotel » (The Majors Creek Pub)
- Mallanganee
Very picturesque little village with beautiful views and environment. Access to many state forrests and national parks...
- Mallanganee Hotel
- Mandurama
Mandurama is a small town in Blayney Shire on the Mid-Western Highway. Beginning in the 19th Century as a privately owned village for the workers of Thomas Icely's Coombing Park, it was then developed as a service centre for the surrounding farmlands...
- Royal Hotel » (Mando Pub)
- Mangoplah
- Mangoplah Hotel
- Manildra
Manildra is the home to the largest flour mill in the Southern Hemisphere and the oldest picture theatre in Australia
- Royal Hotel
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Manilla
- Imperial Hotel
- Post Office Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Marrar
- Royal Hotel
- Marulan
Located on the Hume Highway 130kms south of Sydney and 150Km North of Canberra
- Terminus Hotel
- Maryland
- Maryland Tavern
- Mathoura
- Pastoral Hotel (The Middle Pub)
- Tattersall Club Hotel (The Bottom Pub)
- Former Charleston's Hotel (The Top Pub)
- Matong
- Farmers Home Hotel
- Maude
- Post Office Hotel
- Medlow Bath
Located 6 km west of Katoomba and known for the famous Hydro Majestic Hotel.
- Medowie
- Bull n Bush Hotel
- Mendooran
- Royal Hotel
- Former Mendooran Hotel
- Former Railway Hotel
- Menindee
Burke and Wills camped at the Maidens Rest Hotel in 1860 in Menindee, prior to their ill-fated trip to Coopers Creek and the Gulf of Carpenteria...
- Albermarle Hotel
- Maidens Hotel
- Merimbula
Merimbula is a thriving tourist destination famed for its scenery, waterways, motels, restaurants and recreational pursuits.
- Merriwa
- Fitzroy Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former McNamara's Rose Inn
- Merriwagga
- Black Stump Hotel
- Milbrulong
- Former Boundary Inn Hotel
- Millfield
Lower Hunter town near Cessnock NSW
- Former Rising Sun Inn
- Millthorpe
- Commercial Hotel (Gerry's @ The Commercial)
- Railway Hotel
- Former Grand Western Lodge Hotel
- Milparinka
Located in north western New South Wales, on the banks of the Evelyn Creek and about 40 kilometres south of Tibooburra...
- Albert Hotel
- Milton
The historic township of Milton is located 5 minutes north of Ulladulla on the Princes Highway. Features Craft and Antique shops in a country town setting...
- Commercial Hotel
- Star Hotel
- Mirrool
Northern Riverina Town in NSW
- Royal Hotel
- Mittagong
Mittagong lies on a plateau at the foot of Mt. Gibraltar, Mt. Jellore, and High Range.
- Lion Rampant Hotel
- Mittagong Hotel
- Former Anders Hotel
- Moama
- Border Inn Hotel Motel
- Moama Tavern
- Molong
A town of some 1700 people in the hills of the Macquarie Range. 301 km north-west of Sydney.
Molong began as a government stockyard in 1845...
- Freemasons Hotel
- Telegraph Hotel
- Moobal
- Victory Hotel
- Moonan Flat
Hamlet ringed by the Mount Royal Range in a beautiful setting.
- Moonee Beach
- Moonee Beach Tavern
- Moree
Moree Plains features a warm Mediterranean style climate, with fresh air and sub-artesian waters which reach natural temperature of up to 41 degrees celsius.
- Amaroo Tavern
- Imperial Hotel
- Max Hotel
- Post Office Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Victoria Hotel
- Former Criterion Hotel
- Former Moree Hotel
- Morpeth
- Commercial Hotel
- River Royal Hotel
- Morundah
- Morundah Hotel
- Moruya
Situated on the banks of the beautiful Moruya River, Moruya is a country town with a relaxed lifestyle...
- Adelaide Hotel
- Air Raid Tavern
- Monarch Hotel Motel »
- Moruya Waterfront Hotel Motel
- Morven
- Round Hill Hotel
- Moulamein
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Mount Gipps
- Former Mount Gipps Hotel
- Mount Hope
- Royal Hotel
- Mount Victoria
Located in the Blue Mountains between Little Hartley and Blackheath.
This historic township is actually the highest point in the Blue Mountains
- Mudgee
The Mudgee Shire, covering 5,540 sq. Kms, is located in the Central West of New South Wales. The region features agricultural diversity from quality wines to fine wool.
- Court House Hotel
- Federal Hotel
- Lawson Park Hotel
- Oriental Hotel » (The Ori)
- Paragon Hotel »
- Waratah Hotel
- Woolpack Hotel
- Former West End Hotel »
- Mullaley
- Post Office Hotel
- Mullengandra
- Former Royal Oak Hotel
- Mullumbimby
- Chincogan Hotel » (The Chinny)
- Commercial Hotel
- Mulwala
- Mulwala Hotel Motel
- Royal Mail Hotel »
- Mumbil
- Burrendong Hotel
- Mungindi
Mungindi, Queensland
On the border of New South Wales & Queensland.
- Jolly Swagman Hotel Motel
- Two Mile Hotel
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Murrumbateman
- Murrumburrah
Harden-Murrumburrah are the twin towns of the Harden Shire
- Murrurundi
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- White Hart Hotel »
- Former Tattersalls Hotel
- Murwillumbah
Murwillumbah is located in the heart of the Tweed Valley surrounded by tropical fruit and cane farming...
- Australian Tavern
- Court House Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Murwillumbah Hotel
- Riverview Hotel
- Tweed Tavern (The Round House)
- Muswellbrook
The Shire of Muswellbrook is centrally located in the Upper Hunter Valley.
- Eaton's Hotel
- Muswellbrook Hotel
- Prince of Wales Tavern
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Shamrock Hotel
- Valley Hotel Motel
- Nabiac
- Nabiac Hotel Motel
- Nambucca Heads
Nambucca Heads is on the coast where the Nambucca River enters the sea. The river flows from the mountains of the New England National Park down to the coast.
- Golden Sands Tavern
- V - Wall Tavern
- Narooma
Situated on the South Coast of NSW Narooma is only a few hours from Canberra and Sydney.
Narooma Golf Club features famous Hogans Hole over the ocean...
- Lynch's Hotel
- O'Brien's Hotel »
- Narrabri
Narrabri Shire covers an area of some 13,065 square kilometres and is the heart of the rich Namoi Valley in North West New South Wales.
- Caledonian Hotel
- Crossroads Hotel (the first and last)
- Namoi Hotel Motel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- Tourist Hotel
- Wilga Hotel Motel
- Former Club House Hotel
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Former Railway Hotel
- Former Telegraph Hotel
- Narrandera
Narrandera is centrally located on the Murrumbidgee River in the heart of the NSW Riverina, at the junction of the Sturt and the Newell Highways.
- Charles Sturt Hotel
- Murrumbidgee Hotel
- Narrandera Hotel (The Top Pub)
- New Criterion Hotel
- Royal Mail Hotel
- Former Star Lodge Hotel
- Narromine
- Court House Hotel
- Narromine Hotel Motel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Neath
A Lower Hunter Valley town located just east of Cessnock
- Nelligen
On the Banks of the Clyde River.
- Steam Packet Hotel
- Former Steam Packet Hotel
- Nelson Bay
Nelson Bay
- Seabreeze Hotel
- Nemingha
Located on the New England highway north out of Tamworth
- Nemingha Hotel
- Nerriga
- Bark Tree Hotel
- Nevertire
- Nevertire Hotel
- Neville
- Neville Hotel
- Newbridge
- Gladstone Hotel
- Hotels in Newcastle »
- Niagara Park
- Valley Tavern
- Nimbin
- Nimbin Hotel
- Nimmitabel
- Federal Hotel »
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- North Star
Located south of Goondiwindi and the NSW, Queensland Border
- Cleveland Hotel Motel
- Nowra
Nowra, situated on the beautiful Shoalhaven River, is a major town on the New South Wales south coast.
- Archer Resort Hotel
- Bridge Tavern »
- Empire Hotel
- Postman's Tavern
- Nundle
- Peel Inn Hotel
- Nymagee
Home of the Nymagee Outback Music Festival
- Metropolitan Hotel
- Nymboida
- Nyngan
Nyngan is located on the Bogan River at the junction of the Mitchell and Barrier Highways.
- Australian Hotel
- Canonbar Hotel Motel
- Overlander Hotel Motel
- Windmill Tavern
- Former Barratt's Hotel
- Former Nyngan Hotel
- Oaklands
- Oaklands Hotel
- Oberon
- Tourist Hotel
- Ocean Shores
- Ocean Shores Tavern
- Old Bar
Old Bar is Taree's closest surfing beach.
- Old Bar Tavern
- Orange
As a regional city, Orange, with surrounding towns and villages, supports a population of 100,000 through its industrial, commercial and service resources.
- Biddy Walsh's Irish Pub (Former Standard Hotel)
- Carrington Club Hotel
- Gladstone Hotel
- Great Western Hotel
- Hotel Canobolas
- Hotel Orange »
- Kelly's Rugby Hotel
- Metropolitan Hotel Motel
- Occicental Hotel
- Ophir Tavern
- Park View Hotel
- Robin Hood Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- Ourimbah
- Tall Timbers Hotel
- Pallamallawa
- Golden Grain Hotel Motel
- Pambula
Pambula 'from the Yuin aboriginal two waters ' is aptly named as the town features the beautifula lake and river mouth...
- Commercial Hotel (The Top Pub)
- Royal Willows Hotel
- Parkes
The Parkes Shire is located on the western Edge of the Great Dividing Range within the Central Slopes and Plains region of New South Wales.
- Broadway Hotel
- Cambridge Hotel
- Coachman Hotel Motel »
- Commercial Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Star Hotel
- Peak Hill
- Club House Hotel
- Former Carrington Hotel
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Penarie
The local Hotel, the Homebush has a teriffic display of Pubobilia and local history artifacts.
Penarie is located on the Balranald - Ivanhoe Road.
- Perisher Valley
Located within the Kosciuszko National Park it is one of four resort bases of the Perisher Ski Resort, which also comprises Guthega, Blue Cow and Smiggin Holes...
- Perthville
- Bridge Hotel
- Picton
- George IV Hotel »
- Imperial Hotel
- Picton Hotel
- Pilliga
- Pilliga Hotel
- Pitt Town
- Bird In Hand Inn
- Pleasant Hills
- Community Hotel
- Pooncarie
- Telegraph Hotel
- Port Macquarie
Located at the mouth of the Hastings River, Port Macquarie boasts some of the most pristine waterways and magnificent beaches in Australia.
- Beachhouse Pub
- Fernhill Tavern
- Finnians Irish Pub
- Port Macquarie Hotel »
- Settlers Inn Hotel
- Tacking Point Tavern
- Town Green Inn
- Pottsville
- Pottsville Tavern (The Potty)
- Premer
- Premer Hotel
- Pretty Pine
Located in the central part of the Riverina Region, Pretty Pine is located approximately 17 kilometres South from Wanganella and 18 kilometres North West of Deniliquin...
- Pretty Pine Hotel
- Quambone
Located in Northern New South Wales, west of Coonamble.
- Sundowner Hotel Motel
- Quandialla
- Bland Hotel
- Queanbeyan
Queanbeyan is located just minutes from Canberra.
- Hotel Queanbeyan
- Royal Hotel
- Tourist Hotel
- Walshs' Hotel »
- Quirindi
Quirindi, approximately 66 km south of Tamworth, is the gateway to the fertile Liverpool Plains and the vast grazing areas of the north-west.
- Commercial Hotel
- Federal Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Terminus Hotel
- Former Central Hotel
- Quondong
Was/is a roadhouse locality
- Former Quondong Hotel
- Rand
- Rand Hotel
- Rankin Springs
- Conapaira Hotel
- Rappville
- Commercial Hotel
- Raymond Terrace
- Clare Castle Hotel
- Junction Inn Hotel
- Lakeside Village Tavern
- Palms Hotel
- Rennie
- Former Rennie Hotel
- Robertson
On the edge of the Southern Highlands. Small picturesque township noted for tourism and the movie Babe...
- Robertson Inn (Country Inn)
- Rutherford
- Rydal
A sleepy railway whistle stop just west of Lithgow.
- Hotel Alexander
- Rylstone
Located 3 hours drive north of Sydney on the Cudgegong River.
- Salamander Bay
- Salamander Tavern
- Sandy Hollow
- Tourist Hotel
- Sawtell
Located on the Mid North Coast 8 km south of Coffs Harbour.
- Sawtell Hotel
- Scone
- Belmore Hotel »
- Golden Fleece Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Thoroughbred Hotel
- Willow Tree Hotel
- Former Willow Tree Hotel
- Sheepyard
Located approx 5 klms north of Garwin in the opal fields 80 klms west of Lightning Ridge.
The temps in summer can rise to 40 to 50 degrees Celsius and the population grows seasonaly peaking around November...
- Sheepyard Inn
- Shellharbour
A charming coastal township, 25 km from Central Wollongong.
- Shoal Bay
Shoal Bay
- Country Club Hotel
- Shoalhaven Heads
The Twin Towns of Shoalhaven Heads and Coolangatta are located on the coast road north of Nowra. Shoalhavens Heads itself is located at the southern end of famous Seven Mile Beach...
- Silverton
Located 24 klms west of Broken Hill and near the South Australian Border. A popular town for movie makers with its classic Pub and spectacular flat surrounding landscape...
- Singleton
Singleton is located on the New England Highway, an hour from Newcastle.
- Agricultural Hotel
- Albion Hotel
- Caledonian Hotel
- Central Hotel
- Club House Hotel
- Criterion Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Percy Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Smithtown
The twin towns of Smithtown and Gladstone lie on opposite banks of the Macleay River and are linked by the Smithtown Bridge.
- Riverview Hotel
- Sofala
- Royal Hotel
- Soldiers Point
- Salamander Resort Hotel
- Somerton
- Somerton Hotel
- South West Rocks
South West Rocks
- Riverside Tavern
- Sea Breeze Hotel »
- Spring Hill
- Railway Hotel
- Spring Ridge
- Royal Hotel
- Springwood
Located in the Blue Mountains. Second largest town in the area.
- Oriental Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- St Albans
Located north of Wisemans Ferry
- St Georges Basin
St Georges basin is a large but essentially shallow lagoon situated on the South Coast and South of Jervis Bay...
- Cooee Hotel
- Stockinbingal
Located between Temora and Cootamundra and near the Hume Highway
- Commercial Hotel
- Stroud
- Central Hotel
- Stuarts Point
- Yarrahappinni Hotel (Stuarts Point Taven)
- Stuart Town
Gold Rush town once known as Ironbark after the trees in the area. Established around 1870 when the rush started
Boasts being the 'Ironbark' mentioned in Banjo Paterson's poem, The Man from Ironbark.
- Ironbark Inn
- Suffolk Park
- Park Hotel Motel
- Sussex Inlet
Located on the South Coast of NSW between Nowra and Ulladulla.
The township of Sussex Inlet enjoys a terrific reputation for surfing, fishing, boating, bushwalking, golfing and just plain relaxation...
- Sussex Inlet Tavern
- Sutton
- Cactus Hotel and Motel
- Sutton Forest
Located on on the Illawarra Highway between the Freeway and Moss Vale. A relaxed country village in the Highlands.
- Hotels in Sydney »
- Table Top
Just North of Ettamogah and Albury. Home of the Ettamogah Pub. (one of the three)
- Ettamogah Pub
- Tabulam
- Tabulam Hotel
- Talbingo
Much of the town's history can now be found under the Jounama Dam. Located next to the magnificent Snowy Mountains...
- Former Talbingo Hotel (The Foot)
- Talimba
- Tallimba Inn Hotel
- Talmalmo
- Former Dora Dora Hotel
- Tambar Springs
- Royal Hotel
- Tamworth
Tamworth is the Country Music Capital of Australia. It is also one of the biggest gemstone fossicking regions in the State...
- Calala Inn
- Central Hotel
- City Tavern
- Court House Hotel
- Family Hotel
- Fitzroy Tavern
- Good Companions Hotel
- Imperial Hotel
- Joe Maguires' Pub
- Locomotive Hotel
- Longyard Hotel
- Oasis Hotel Motel
- Southgate Inn Hotel Motel
- Tamworth Hotel
- The Pub
- Tudor Hotel »
- Former Earls Court Hotel
- Former Square Mann Inn
- Tarago
- Taralga
- Tarana
- Tarcutta
- Tarcutta Hotel
- Former Old Tarcutta Inn
- Taree
Taree is the heart of the Manning Valley on the banks of the Manning River.
- Bushland Tavern
- Exchange Hotel
- Fotheringhams Hotel » (Foggs Hotel)
- Manning River Hotel Motel
- Royal Hotel
- Tarro
Tarro, New South Wales
- Former Tarro Hotel Motel
- Tathra
The coastal town of Tathra is surrounded by National Parks.
- Tathra Hotel Motel
- Taylors Arm
Home of "The Pub with no beer" from the Slim Dusty song.
- Pub With No Beer Hotel
- Tea Gardens
Located two hours north of Sydney and a few kilometres from the pristene waters of the Myall Lakes National Park...
- Temora
Temora Shire is situated approximately 80 km north of Wagga Wagga in the South West (Riverina) area of New South Wales...
- Hotel Temora
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Shamrock Hotel Motel
- Terminus Hotel
- Westminster Hotel
- Former Grand Hotel
- Tenambit
- Regal Hunter Hotel
- Tenterfield
At the northern end of the New England Highlands in northern NSW.
Home to the Bush Poetry Festival October
- Commercial Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel »
- Telegraph Hotel Motel
- Tenterfield Tavern
- Former Railway Hotel
- Former Tenterfield Traveller Hotel
- Terrigal
- Crowne Plaza
- Terrigal Hotel »
- The Channon
The Monthy Channon Markets are a hugely popular event in the region.
- The Channon Tavern
- The Entrance
Located between Sydney and Newcastle and a favourite water sport destination for these two cities. Lake and Ocean water sports, sailing, terrific fishing...
- The Entrance Hotel
- The Lakes Hotel
- The Rock
Formerly known as hanging rock. Some of the overhang disappeared after a major rock fall in 1874.
- Former Kings Own Hotel
- Tibooburra
Located 340 kilometres north of Broken Hill and established at the height of the gold rush.
You will find Tibooburra in "Corener Country" in North west New South Wales.
- The Family Hotel »
- Tibooburra Hotel » (The Two Storey)
- Tilpa
On the banks of the Darling River
- Tilpa Hotel
- Tingha
- Royal Hotel
- Tocumwal
Tocumwal is an historic town located on the mighty Murray River!
Enjoy the 25 Beaches located on both sides of the banks of the Murray River, the native wildlife including 150 different bird species and the local parks...
- Kelly's Farmers Arms Hotel
- Tattersall's Hotel
- Terminus Hotel
- Tocumwal Hotel Motel
- Tomingley
- Cross Roads Hotel
- Tooleybuc
A quaint border town on the Murray River.
See one of the few 'ring-trees' still in existence.- Tooleybuc Hotel
- Tooma
- Tooma Inn
- Tooraweenah
A Central West NSW town located NE of Gilgandra
- Mountain View Hotel Motel
- Toormina
- Toormina Hotel Motel
- Torrington
- Former Tableland Hotel
- Tottenham
Tottenham is the closest town to the geographical centre of NSW which is. located 42 Klms to the west...
- Tottenham Hotel
- Toukley
- Beachcomber Resort Hotel
- Trangie
- Imperial Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Trangie Hotel
- Trundle
Located 65 klms north west of Parkes, New South Wales
- Trunkey Creek
- Black Stump Hotel
- Tuena
- Gold Fields Inn Hotel
- Tullamore
Home of the very popular annual Tullamore Irish Music festival started in 2004.
And famous for the Pub of course.
- Tullamore Hotel
- Tullibigeal
- Mayfield Hotel
- Tumbarumba
Tumbarumba is situated in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains.
- Tumbarumba Hotel
- Union Hotel »
- Tumblong
- Tumblong Tavern
- Tumbulgum
- Tumbulgum Tavern
- Tumut
Tumut Shire is rich in natural beauty and has developed a profile that is genuinely enmeshed with its natural resources...
- Commercial Hotel Motel
- Oriental Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Star Hotel
- Woolpack Hotel
- Wynyard Hotel
- Tuncurry
- Bellevue Hotel Motel
- Tuross Head
Tuross Head is located on a headland between the twin lakes of Tuross and Coila. Located on the coast between Moruya and further south Dalmeny, Tuross Head features a Country Club with amazing beach and area views, an 18 hole golf course, bowling greens and tennis courts.
- Tuross Tavern
- Tweed Heads
Situated on the Queensland/NSW border, the Tweed is just over an hour's drive from Brisbane and a half-hour from the Gold Coast.
- Dolphins Hotel
- Tweed Heads South
- South Tweed Tavern
- Tyalgum
- Uki
- Former Mount Warning Hotel
- Ulan
Small village in New South Wales.
- Post Office Hotel
- Ulladulla
Ulladulla is around three hours' driving time south of Sydney. The area has a number of undeveloped beaches which make it very popular with tourists.
- Marlin Hotel Ulladulla
- Ulmarra
- The Commercial Hotel
- Umina
- Ocean Beach Hotel
- Ungarie
- Central Hotel
- Town and Country Tavern
- Uralla
- Coachwood & Cedar Hotel Motel (The Top Pub)
- Thunderbolt's Hotel (The Bottom Pub)
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Urana
- Urana Hotel
- Former Royal George Hotel
- Uranquinty
- Uranquinty Hotel
- Urbenville
- Crown Hotel
- Urunga
- Ocean View Hotel
- Valla Beach
- Valla Beach Country Club Hotel
- Vittoria
- Former Bee Keepers Inn
- Wagga Wagga
Wagga Wagga is located on the Sturt Highway and Murrumbidgee River, midway on the railway line between Sydney and Melbourne...
- Ashmont Inn Hotel-Motel »
- Astor Hotel-Motel
- Black Swan Hotel (The Muddy Duck)
- Bridge Tavern Hotel
- Duke of Kent Hotel »
- Farmers' Home Hotel
- Home Tavern
- Kooringal Hotel-Motel
- Palm and Pawn Hotel-Motel
- Red Steer Hotel-Motel
- Romanos' Hotel »
- Sportsmens Club Hotel
- Thomas Blamey Tavern
- Tolland Hotel
- Turvey Tavern Hotel
- Union Club Hotel
- Victoria Hotel
- William Farrer Hotel
- Former Globe Hotel
- Former Prince of Wales Hotel
- Former Red Lion Hotel
- Former Tourist Hotel
- Wakool
The Shire of Wakool is located along the border (Murray River) between New South Wales and Victoria.
- Wakool Hotel
- Walbundrie
- Walbundrie Hotel
- Walcha
- Apsley Arms Hotel »
- Commercial Hotel »
- New England Hotel Motel
- Former Royal Hotel
- Unknown Former Pub
- Walcha Road Station
Located on Walcha Road just off the Oxley Highway between Tamworth and Port Macquarie. A locality with a Pub next to the train station.
- Walgett
Walgett is an explorers paradise. It has a proud history of early pioneers who survived against great odds and used their ingenuity to improve their quality of life and to revolutionise industries of the time.
- Gateway Hotel
- Oasis Hotel
- Wallabadah
Pleasant village ituated on the New England Highway 60 km south of Tamworth and on the upper reaches of Quirindi creek.
- Marshall MacMahon Hotel
- Wallacia
Wallacia is located at the foot of the Blue Mountains and by the banks of the Nepean River
- Walla Walla
- Walla Walla Hotel Motel
- Wallendbeen
22 klms north of Cootamundra. Beautiful historic country village with classic village oval and historic Pub
- Wallendbeen Hotel
- Wardell
- Royal Hotel Wardell
- Warialda
Warialda is situated in Northwest New South Wales, between the centres of Moree and Inverell.
- Commercial Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Former Railway Hotel
- Former Tattersalls Hotel
- Warren
- Club House Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Wauchope
On the banks of the Hastings River, Wauchope is the centre of the local dairying and beef cattle industries and the gateway to national parks and state forests.
- Bago Family Tavern
- Hastings Hotel
- Star Hotel
- Weethalle
- Royal Hotel
- Wee Waa
- Imperial Hotel
- Royal Hotel
- Wellington
Historic Township
- Central Hotel
- Club House Hotel
- Federal Hotel
- Grand Hotel
- Lion of Waterloo »
- Wellington Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Wentworth
- Captain Sturt Hotel »
- Crown Hotel
- Royal Hotel Motel
- Wentworth Falls
Popular desination in the Blue Mountains.
- Werris Creek
- Commercial Hotel Motel
- Railway Hotel
- Former Signal Hotel
- Weston
- West Wyalong
Located in western New South Wales on the junction of the big inland highways, West Wyalong is a day's drive from both South Australia and Victoria.
- Globe Hotel
- Metropolitan Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel
- White Tank Hotel
- Former Empire Hotel
- Former Post Office Hotel
- Former Royal Hotel
- White Cliffs
A North West of New South Wales outback opal mining town. Small town, remarkeable destination.
- Whitton
- Rice Bowl Hotel
- Wilberforce
- Wilcannia
Wilcannia played an important role as an inland port in the paddle-steamer days. A rural centre.
- Wilcannia Club Hotel
- Former Court House Hotel
- Former Queens Head Hotel
- Willawarrin
- Willawarrin Hotel
- Willow Tree
- Willow Tree Inn Hotel
- Wilson Valley
- Windeyer
Tiny gold mining town in the Meroo River Valley 40 km SW of Mudgee
- Gold And Fleece Hotel
- Wingen
- Durham Hotel
- Wingham
- Australian Hotel
- Former Wingham Hotel
- Wisemans Ferry
Located beside the Hawkesbury River where car ferries are used for river crossings. A favourite watersports destination.
- Wollongbar
- Pioneer Tavern
- Hotels in Wollongong »
- Wolumla
- Wombat
Cherry picking area. Also know for tractor pull competitions.
- Wombat Hotel
- Woodberry
Woodberry, New South Wales
- Tudor Hotel
- Woodburn
- Rod & Reel Hotel Motel »
- Former Imperial Hotel
- Woodenbong
- Woodenbong Hotel
- Woodstock
- Royal Hotel
- Woolgoolga
Woolgoolga is located 20 minutes north of Coffs Harbour.
- Wooli
- Wooli Hotel Motel
- Woomargama
With so many bi-passes on the freeways these days, the village of Woomargama, NSW is the first pitstop along the Hume Highway if travelling north from the outskirts of Melbourne, and and provides travellers an opportunity to take a break and refuel body and soul - and beast...
- Woomargama Village Hotel Motel
- Woy Woy
- Bayview Hotel (The)
- Woy Woy Hotel (The Old Pub)
- Wyalong
- Top Town Tavern
- Wyndham
- Robbie Burns Hotel
- Wyoming
- The Grange Hotel
- Wyong
Wyong Shire extends from Gwandalan in the north, to Ourimbah in the south and from the Pacific Ocean to the hills beyond the Yarramalong Valley.
- Royal Hotel
- The Grand Hotel
- Yamba
- Pacific Hotel »
- Yamba Shores Tavern
- Yanco
- Yanco Hotel
- Yass
Yass is a progressive town with excellent educational, medical, aged care, sporting and recreational facilities.
- Australian Hotel
- Club House Hotel »
- Royal Hotel
- Former Commercial Hotel
- Yenda
- Yenda Hotel
- Yeoval
Yeoval is found on the cross roads of Molong to Dubbo and Wellington and 75km to Orange.
One of Australia's greatest poets, Banjo Paterson, spent his first seven years of childhood in this village and you can see many testaments to the life of Banjo in the Village"Yeoval suffered a big blow when the railway line from Molong to Dubbo closed
in the late 1980s...- Royal Hotel
- Yerong Creek
- Former Yerong Hotel
- Yetman
- Codfish Hotel
- Young
Young is widely known as the "Cherry Capital of Australia".
- Australian Hotel
- Commercial Hotel
- Criterion Hotel
- Empire Hotel
- Great Eastern Hotel
- Mill Tavern
- Young Hotel